New Hawkmadinebwog contributor Courtney Douds takes us on a vicarious five-minute hike across campus, satisfying the urge for a walk in the woods without requiring anyone to get too cold.

Most photographs of Hawkmadinejad depict more than just one fascinating species. For the arboreal enthusiasts whose interests have thus far been ignored, here is a map of the large trees on campus, species by species.

Hawkmadinejad is constantly spotted in the Honeylocusts at the end of Hamilton, Journalism, and the East side of Butler. Many species can only be found on the lawn in front of Philosophy, the only place on campus where you can find ten different trees at once. The enormous Sycamore in front of Mathematics is especially beautiful.

These trees were identified using the helpful but limited “New York City Trees: A Field Guide for the Metropolitan Area” available in Barnes & Noble. If you are a tree expert or have an educated guess as to the specific subspecies planted throughout campus (especially the lindens or the smaller trees directly in front of Butler), please let us know in the comments.