In light of yesterday’s Craigslist aggregation, a few readers and commenters have requested the return of Bwog Personals. Bwog Personals, you’ll recall, were a frequent occurrence last spring (the season of love, etc.) and culminated with a heroic showing by CCSC Presidential candidates George Krebs and Alidad Damooei. “How could we top that?” we thought. And so ended Bwog Personals. 

But today is a new day, a new season, and a new shot at love. So, we’re announcing the return of Bwog Personals. Nominate your friends (or yourself!) for a personal by emailing and we’ll send you a list of questions, which you’ll fill out and send back to us with your most flattering photo. 

We’ll post your stuff, and interested dates will be instructed to contact us so that we can shell out the $10 for your ultra romantic date night. (Though keep in mind sometimes the most romantic dates in Morningside are priceless.)