Wondering what’s going to happen to Tiffany Dockery’s former University Senate seat?
According to CCSC bylaws, the Council will select a new Senator to occupy the seat for the rest of Dockery’s term via nominations from the student body.A nominee must then win 2/3 of the vote of the Council, and voila, a Senator is born.
No word yet on when the nomination process will begin. UPDATE (10:05 PM): CCSC will solicit nominations from the student body until the end of the semester, before interviewing and voting on the candidates.
@u foo Post #31 said “Monica and Emily are definitely hot.” If you didn’t write Post #31, then stfu.
@ummm no it doesn’t.
sometimes people are just mistaken. be nice.
@Please not Adil. What the fuck has he done since he took office? They ran on a platform of improving student space on campus, greater transparency, and FIGHTING THE WAR ON FUN. They have instead gone with the opaque and pointless NROTC forum and he has tried to use his position to jerk off to student groups. Do your job, Adil, do what you were elected in for.
Alidad would be a decent choice.
@yeah I tend to agree. Adil has been the most useless VP Policy ever. What has he done in one semester? Nothing.
I’m not sure whether Alidad or Donna would take the position, but I think they would both be better candidates than Billy Freeland.
@actually Senate has more importance? right? Its taking on policy issues from a university wide standpoint.
@ALIDAD should get it! Wait? alidad damooei hooked up with Monica Quaintance? scandal
@ewww... that. is. fucking. nasty.
and to the guy who said monica’s hot earlier… R U FUCKING BLIND!?
@no u fooo I didn’t think monica was cute. I was talking about the other cc senator who has a name I cannot spell
@I mean! alidad should run especially if you want a hot sexy beast on senate. though I hear he already hooked up with monica. Maybe this time he’ll go for emily or rishika
@Cuties Monica and Emily are definitely hot. There’s no hispanic senator unless you include Robert Valaldez from Social Work.
@nope obviously no. I’m talking about the Hispanic girl
@dimwit Yeah shes cute and She’s south Asian. Where are you from Idaho? These comments really reflect how ignorant, racist and unintelligent we are as a student body.
@these comments reflect nothing
@well I really hope you aren’t referring to monica
@How about we elect someone that is attractive?
I think the barnard and one cc senator are cute. lets get an attractive male.
@okay i nominate donna desilus
anyone BUT that kid who almost won. He fucking creeped me out and tried to barge into my room when i clearly had a towel on.
@hmmmm Wow, SAC is taking no prisoners! Glad to see that, especially during this time where student rep. for your school is so necessary…
Donna: GREAT choice. It depends though if she would be willing to take that one semester because of how much you really can get done.
Adil: 50-50, he’d fight for his school, but why would he give up his current position?
Billy: Ran last year, definitely impressed with his platform, he and Donna would make great candidates.
As someone who suffered from a useless, resume-padding student who called himself a SEAS University Senator (who luckily resigned, thank god), I’m glad to see that SAC isn’t letting this happen twice.
@well Bangra is a type of dance u idiot I dont think they can do it and that’s racist. I still nominate adil.
@... it is “bhangra,” you idiot.
@Adil Is VP Policy for CCSC, if he took the senate seat he would have to resign his seat, which would be a massive demotion.
@I stand with Freeland.
@ummm wtf is bangra?
@adil ahmed I nominate adil ahmed. But then it would be weird with three Indians on the senate
@wait that would be so awesome. They could bangra at meetings!
@That's Okay We’ll just partition it, then.
@... what do you mean by “solicit nominations”
does that mean people will apply to the position or that other people have to recommend them?
@well by “solicit nominations” they mean, give them a bj and you get the job.
@Alum08 Any person can nominate his/her friend or colleague. People can also nominate themselves.
This is good because CCSC Senate elections (candidates-wise) have been quite interesting (and good) in the past.
@sry to pester but i’d like to point out they all have unusual/weird names. not my fault
@yeh, and i bet you’re white.
@the senators are... Monica Quaintance (CC), Rajat Roy (SEAS), Rishika Samant (CC), and a seas senator with red hair…
@Oh and the other SEAS Senator was chosen internally after last year after the other guy was impeached (not resigned). His name is Timur Dyhkne, SEAS Graduate Student and PhD candidate in Applied Mathematics. Formerly of Rutgers University. And he does not have red hair
@you know there’s this thing called GOOGLE. you should try it sometime.
Some fun notes from the SAC page:
-shot down initiatives include: a diploma redesign from 2004. the agora project. national tuition endowment.
@i thought the diploma redesign passed?
Which is why we have a standardized diploma across the 13(?) schools?
@Bulliet!!!! how did you get in that picture?
you are shrewd good sir!
donna desilus.
@... let’s just let bwog handle the self-nominations. you go, donna.
also, #9, don’t forget Emily Kenison (BC) and Paige Lampkin (GS). they’re undergrads too!
@BC and GS BC and GS are not part of columbia in my book
@Well then your book is wrong.
@i hope they pick some minority. God knows we need more progressive people of color.
@btw Bwog There is some crazy orchestral thing going on in Roone, and some guy on the bongos along Lerner Ramps. Go cover it, quick!
@that's the CUO concert
@I heard it’s going to be Caroline Kennedy
@well I hope its not that useless kid who almost won last year.