Bikini-and-Taurine Correspondent Sean Zimmerman notes that the John Jay 13 lounge has been taken over by Monster Energy Drink’s campus rep.
“Well, I wasn’t considering this free sample, but the posters show I can undress multiple chicks with it…”
@how columbia you pretty much got a ton of free shit courtesy of some advertisers and you are complaining about it…how Columbia of you
@okay no but really # 6 is stupid. ZERO SARCASM.
@Poison BBD status.
@This is ugly and gross.
@Anonymous you are so stupid, you’re not really going to believe #6 was seriously suggesting that #5 actually thought that bwog literally meant you can suddenly undress women by simply drinking a beverage. it’s called TRIPLE SARCASM
@Ugh Heteronormativity… WOOT!
@Ugh don’t you mean w00t?
@UGH 2 I’m pretty sure you both meant w00t. what is it with people today?
@ahaha you guys… The font that Bwog uses (Georgia) makes the zero look like a lowercase o:
0 is a zero
o is an o
#9 and #10 were both right.
@#6, you are so stupid, you’re not really going to believe #5 actually thought that bwog literally meant you can suddenly undress women by simply drinking a beverage. it’s called DOUBLE SARCASM
@bwog, you are so stupid. you’re not literally going to be able to suddenly undress women by simply drinking a beverage. it’s called ADVERTISING.
@#5, you are so stupid. you’re not really going to believe bwog actually means you can literally be able to suddenly undress women simply by drinking a beverage right? it’s called SARCASM.
@JJ 13 '00 Take a break from the lounge by venturing out on to the balcony and / or ledge. Watch your step!
@Ohhh... don’t worry, we did.
@Red Bull is soooo much better
@jj 13 '09 aaaahhh! they’ve defiled our ancestral home!!!