An eagle-eyed member of Columbia’s secret safety patrol has spotted what appears to be a violation of OSHA regulations and New York fire codes in the Butler 213 computer lab.

Labels on a fire extinguisher in the lab indicate the fire-fighting device is 10 years overdue for its routine servicing—the series of tests that ensure the extinguisher will work when you pull the handle.

Seeking to draw attention to the problem, the safety-minded do-gooder left behind an indignant sign splashed with various font weights and sizes, which is shown at right.

After the jump is a close-up of the extinguisher’s service tag, but before you look, just think: the last time someone checked on this extinguisher, PrezBo lived in Michigan. Cargo pants were still popular, and this thing called an “MP3 player” had just hit the market.

But seriously, folks, if your fire extinguisher has outlived ‘N Sync, it’s time to change it.