An anonymous tipster sent us a picture of what the tipster says is Columbia’s new BMW electric Mini. The car, unveiled last November, is part of a limited run of 450 cars distributed in New York, New Jersey, and California. The 204-horsepower electric motor gets 150 miles out of a 4.5 hour charge. Unfortunately for Top Gear types, it’s electronically limited to 95 mph, but on the bright side, the environmentally sensitive among us can stop walking everywhere and get fat (the paunch is hip now…).
@YES bwog made a top gear reference! and for that, i love you this much more.
@I like how we have an article on an electric car (something that we had twenty years ago, but which has been literally impossible to find for over fifteen years), and then only half of one of the first seventeen comments even mention it.
And no, they didn’t just buy/lease one. The rights to electric cars as they existed in 1990 were sold to the oil companies, which put them to sleep. All of the electric cars built were leased, not sold – as soon as the leases expired, the cars were destroyed so that they could not compete with gas-driven cars.
And you thought hybrids were a step *forwards*….
@... what the hell are you talking about? this isn’t a gm ev1 or impact, it’s a limited edition electric mini, produced by bmw and leased out in 2009.
that movie you saw 5 years ago has nothing to do with this.
@Sooo.... Are we ever going to find out the who and where of classes this semester?
@Gentrification Please
How many muggings have there been near campus lately?
I nkow bwog doesn’t do follow ups often but I feel that this deserves one…
@yea seriously my mother worked there back in the day, and many of my childhood clothes are fresh off the racks from there. i say, if it is good enough for my younger self, it is good enough for high fashion.
@Because You’re all a bunch of tards
@because their shit’s all tarded.
@just wondering why the 13s haven’t gotten nearly as much bwog coverage as the 12s did?
@Because the ’13s are normal people.
@lol no one who goes to columbia is normal.
interpret that however you wish.
@personally I wouldn’t have it any other way. Normal generally gets old fast
@top chef master anita lo from top chef master’s went to Columbia and majored in French!
@business school Columbia Business School prof on a segment of the Daily Show and they even showed Alma Mater:
@... for a brief second, i got real excited thinking that perhaps this was a student/research conversion project. then i read more, remembered where i am and sadly came to terms with the fact they they didn’t build anything. they just reached into their deep pockets and bought/leased one. (maybe they’ll do something interesting with it yet, but i’m not holding my breath)
that said, the nyt article is pretty hilarious though. especially considering it came out on the same day as this:
i mean seriously. i’ve never been one to care about sexism much, but two pieces on the same day, one which slams fat women who shop at jc penney and another which piles on adoration for fat fucking male hipsters? are the editors on vacation or something?
@I didn't think i could hate the fashion world more until i read that article. That writer just reinforced every stereotype i had in the worst way possible
@Re: NYT Oh my God! Size 10 pants? Size 12 jackets?! What business does this place have, providing clothing for the OBVIOUSLY MORBIDLY OBESE? What the Hell’s next? Size 9.5 shoes? Haven’t these people and their modest gravitational fields heard of yoga, for God’s sake? Or jobbing? Or foot-binding?
@RE: Re: NYT See what righteous rage does? That should, of course, be ‘jogging.’ Speaking of jobbing, though, *I* certainly wouldn’t hire anyone who shops at J.C. Penney. Just think of the havoc they’d wreak on the company health insurance plan!
@Re: NYT OBVIOUSLY MORBIDLY OBESE? What business does this place have, providing clothing for God’s sake? Or foot-binding? Oh my God! Size 12 jackets?! What business does this place have, providing clothing for God’s sake? Or foot-binding? Or foot-binding? Oh my God! Size 9.5 shoes? Haven’t these people and their modest gravitational fields heard of yoga, for the Hell’s next? Size 12 jackets?! What business does this place have, providing clothing for God’s sake? Or foot-binding? Or jobbing? Or jobbing?