You’ll have to find your $3 beer elsewhere, since our own 1020 is the set of the new Will Ferrell and Mark Wahlberg film, The Other Guys. We expect that many fart jokes and and much “bromance” will grace the very boothes you’ll be lucky enough to sit in during the next twelve weeks; until then, 1020 is closed until Thursday.
More photos after the jump.
@FECK where am i supposed to do my trendy?
@noooooooooo where the hell am I to go until Thursday!?!?! aaaaah
@2150 this is kind of annoying but at least we’ll appreciate it more when it’s back!
@God 1020 is like the girl you dated for a few weeks, got sick of, broke up with, and right when you thought you were free and clear she drops by unexpectedly with beer, a joint, handcuffs, and a corset. Right when I felt resolved to never suffer through another night of this overcrowded maze of disappointment and sweat induced humidity it gives me a reason to stick around a bit longer. Damn you 1020!!!
@is it? bad analogy guy strikes again?
@Anonymous No, but I highly approve.
On a semi-serious note, I would say 1020 is a good example of the Abilene Paradox.