
Bwog’s own Sean Zimmermann reports from last night’s meeting. 

In the grand tradition of last year’s CCSC presidential election, this year’s Freshman ESC election is one of the most uncompetitive in recent memory.  Only 5 students are running, and both Presidential candidate Mary Byers and the Vice Presidential candidate Tim Qin, (both of the Fu Fighters Party) are running uncontested. Voting ends at 8 PM Wednesday, and is available here.

GSSC liaison Nathan Levick reported that GS students are complaining that their diplomas are in English when Columbia and Barnard both have their diplomas in Latin. The news brought a chorus of “not again” from the council, especially when announced that it appears this will be one of the primary focuses of the GS student council this year.

Zak Accuradi from Green Umbrella — an organization that coordinates between the different campus environmental groups and the administration — spoke during the meeting about CCSC’s decision to approve a new “sustainability advisor” position on their council, and proposed that a similar position be created on ESC. Though the council encouraged the group to send representatives to council meetings (which are open), they ultimately decided against creating a new position.

VP Policy Kelly Chen announced that CUIT is proposing adding printers under the Mudd screens (in the lobby), to address concerns that there are no 24-hour printers in Mudd. As a possible alternative, they are also looking into extending the Mudd computer lab hours (though the lab would still not be 24-hours).

Senator Rajat Roy discussed setting up an email forwarding system for alumni, so student would be able to keep their UNI-based email addresses, which would forward email to a personal address. Both Harvard and Cornell have similar systems already established, although sadly their systems wouldn’t preserve the discounts you get with a .edu address.

President Whitney Green outlined her new “Rock Star” initiative; the council needs to be much more proactive in dealing with engineering student groups. She wants the council both to collaborate with student groups on events, and to have council members go out and attend various club meetings to help foster community.  School spirit, ahoy.

CCSC liaison Jennifer Vettel expressed CCSC’s desire to work with SGB and ABC to institute a one-flyer-per-bulletin-board rule, and to encourage clubs to find less wasteful ways of getting their messages our to students. They acknowledge this would be difficult to enforce, and therefore would be more of a campaign to change club mindset rather than create a strict rule. Perhaps the campaign could start with some flyering?