The Eye, Spec’s vague “features and arts” weekly, posted its first issue of the semester today. Bwog perused it so you don’t have to.
The Eye staff is feeling pretty chummy this week, it seems. The Eye agreed with Mark Taylor and nodded at The New York Times.
The Eye can write like a valley girl.
The Eye watches over those whose only memory of cultural exchange is being poked by Russian nurses.
The Eye provides you with exactly four useful lists. We found three more.
Plus, an interview of a musician trying to distinguish herself from the pack, a model making odd comments about foreign countries, and a Broadway producer insisting that everything is fine.
@wow between the carman letter and the musician interview with a side of awfully pixelated model photo, this is a new low.
@this eyepoke was not helpful or funny.
@snark looks ugly
@Ummm Where is QuickSpec!???
@bob jaysus you bwog people are snarky. don’t you get tired of knee-jerk peeing on every other publication?