Photo: New York Post
The New York Post weighs in on the impending 9/11 trial with the MOST INTENSE HEADLINE EVER (see picture).
Bono returns to the Op-Ed page, makes fun of self, suggests that U2’s “One” may or may not have torn down the Berlin Wall. (New York Times)
No one ever said love was cheap, but this is getting ridiculous: horse-drawn carriage drivers in Central Park are charging absurd rates. (New York Post)
Buying Bernie Madoff’s things! This could be a reality show, right? (New York Times)
Firefighters sent to repair what they believed was a busted pipe were met with something, well, rather different. (Gothamist)
@Holder is a terrorist loving disgrace to humanity. As is Obama, great job Columbia liberal arts, fuck all of you.
@yeah Can’t believe Holder is bringing Khalid Shaikh Mohammed to NYC, seems like a bad idea no matter what Hillary says