Ready or not (probably not), class registration begins tomorrow. This usually means frantically clicking through SSOL, becoming dismayed at the slim pickings, and abandoning all hope of Art Hum for four different introductory Political Science lectures. Bwog, however, returns to bring you the best, the brightest, and the courses most likely to solicit “There is no way that is an actual course at an actual institution of higher learning” on tap for Spring 2010.
Whoa, Dude (the Keanu Reeves Courses)
Science W3920: Ignorance
Art History G8737: How Images Think
Philosophy G9525: Seminar on Vagueness
French W3628: Discovering Existence
Ways to Say “We Build Things”
Architecture A4718: Faking It
Architecture A4753: Life
Architecture A4791: Futures of the Past
General Jargonese of the 19th and 20th Century Transatlantic Academy, in Translation
Anthropology V2027: Changing East Asian Foodways
Anthropology V3978: Dialogic Imagination in Opera
Education BC2052y: Seminar in Multicultural Elementary Pedagogy
Anthropology V3937: Mass-Mediation of Modernity
Anthropology V3903: The Ethnoarchaeology of Cities
German W3675: Things Matter: Aesthetic Modernism and the Recuperation of the Everyday
Interesting People (Like, Six of Them, Who May or May Not Be That Interesting)
Art History A3885: Intellectuals, Gods, Kings, and Fishermen
Psychology BC1009: Science and Scientists
Edward Said, Smiling from the Grave
Architecture A4756: Other Design
@on a more serious note is that \discovering existence\ course actually being offered? it’s on this post but SSOL does not give it as an option. it sounds awesome.
@everybody, everybody let’s have sex.
@The word fetishized Has become fetishized!!
@why are the images thinking?! scary times.
@Chill This was the most hilarious post all year; if people don’t realize that, they’ve missed the whole point. And I’m an anthro major
@tsk tsk Oh I definitely agree! Which is why I want to see some new ridiculous anthro classes up there instead of the same overused ones. You must at least be a little original in your selections.
@GH This is my favorite post of the semester.
@tsk tsk Mass-Mediations of Modernity was this semester AND you already used it last semester for this same post. Stop the Anthro hate.
@discovering existence... was an amazing course. Highly recommended. You study Pascal, Descartes, Camus and Sartre in the original french with Souleymane Diagne, who I can honestly say is one of the best professors at this school and an absolutely brilliant man.
@!!! just because you don’t understand the meanings of jargon doesn’t mean the section *isn’t* jargonese. however, i might argue that jargon has the same meaning that jargonese would: the specialized or technical language of a trade, profession, or similar group. owned, fatty.
@... Just because you do not understand the essential terminology of contemporary social and cultural studies does not mean that it is “Jargonese.”
Also, even if big words like “dialogic,” “mediation,” “aesthetic,” and “pedagogy” confound your cultivated philistinism, what could possibly be so confusing about “Changing East Asian Foodways”?
@philistinism? …i hardly know him!
@haha lol, someone has his panties in a twist