This is supposed to be Columbia.
When visiting a new city/part of town, it’s always a good idea to know the stereotypes (true and untrue) and local hangouts, so you can fit in all the easier. “NYC nightlife and social news” website Guest of a Guest has decided to give its readers “The “Truth” About Columbia, NYU, and Other NYC Colleges.” Strap in for some knowledge.
The author, Mathias Rozenwieg (NYU ’13, though he can’t even get his own school’s stereotypes right) claims that Columbians “are safely labeled the Rich Nerds.” So far, so general. But the train begins to go off the tracks when he writes that a trip “feels like walking into a J-Crew catalogue with slightly less attractive, stressed out models,” which anyone who’s ever visited Butler will tell you is being more than generous.
The strangeness continues: Rozenwieg says “these smarties let loose at Bar 1020 for beer on tap, La Negrita for live music, the Dead Poet for some quiet drinking, or Jake’s Dilemma, filled with your usual assortment of drunk girls and guys.” If you haven’t heard of those last two establishments, they’re in the low 80s on Amsterdam, and one non-Columbia student seems to think they’re part of the Columbia party scene. The clothing stereotype is rather surprising as well: “Abercrombie & Fitch, J-Crew, and lots and lots of sweats.” There you have it, dear readers: according to the Internet, Columbia is just a WASPy New Jersey high school. Sorry to disappoint.
@are.... skinny jeans indicative of intelligence?
@well Rich Nerds? Really? That’s news to me.
As a rule, first semester freshmen should not be allowed to comment authoritatively about college life, let alone compare schools.
PS- enjoy your trust fund purchased vastly overrated degree mill diploma.
@? “As far as the student asthetic goes I would say most people look overly bookish and academic. I would have written something along the lines of,
“At Columbia the competition is so high that if you can’t BE smarter than the next person you can LOOK smarter than the next person (large glasses, tweed, skinny jeans, argyle…)””
Columbia is the third floor of Butler?
@?? Columbia is Chromeo?
@Anonymous a lot of Columbia students do actually hang out at Jake’s Dilemma. Last time I was there, I saw 4 distinct groups of Columbians.
@Wondering If I think this entire discussion is puerile, does that make me an elitist?
@no..... using the word ‘puerile’ is what makes you an elitist.
@HAHAHAHAHA Excellent. Uggs have to be the ugliest things on the face of the earth. a
@:) Uggs looks like cute golden retrievers on your feet :)
@UGH UGGS NO ONE LOOKS GOOD IN UGGS. It looks like you forgot to remove the feet part of some sort of mascot costume.
@C'09 Sweatpants? In Morningside? Are you fucking kidding me? I’m self-conscious the few times I even walk to the gym in athletic shorts. It isn’t Providence, Ann Arbor, or, God help me, Ithaca.
@mos def dude most definitely seconded. on the entire 5 minute walk to PE i feel as if i’m being judged and crossing my fingers not to see anyone i know. stereotype fail.
@oh my dear god what a bunch of nerds! i almost just died laughing.
@@lol that harvard quidditch team is practically all girls who look like they are in need of a boyfriend. sad for sure, but i see an opportunity.
@Bwog needs a “like” button, so I can like this reply.
@harvard... omg! wtf! that video is money.
@well to be fair i guess most things in GOAG are wrong. so we shouldn’t hate on the little one from NYU trying to make it in the harsh world.
@agree our school is definitely guys: jeans and V or shirt, girls: flannel, jeans, or frilly blouse. scarves usually involved. classy sneaks or flats. very little audacity, however, in color palate, which could be viewed as j crew-y compared to NYU’s neon tracksuits and gold-plated leggings with 45-year old beer gut blouse.
but clearly we disagree more when it comes to uggs. i wouldn’t put that past cornell, but really, us??? belch.
@Wow I am such a stereotype. Spot on!
@lol at least we don’t go to harvard:
@wtf Except for maybe athletes, Columbia does NOT do sweatpants. I would never attend a school with such pedestrian fashion choices.
@Well none of our pants are tight enough to be considered jeans by NYU standards, so they automatically fall into the sweats catagory.
@No The J. Crew catalog didn’t have chubby women wearing ill fitting tunics, Uggs and leggings as pants in it the last time I checked.
@growl! the claws come out!
@lol why is some naive nyu freshman writing about other schools much less his own school?
@??? The Dead Poet? Quiet?!