Photo: New York Post
The Post will not stand idly by while we crazy college kids “live in sin!” (NYPost)
But at least your gender-neutral room is bigger than this apartment. (NYPost)
Harry Potter dominates college tour rhetoric, frustrates really serious about college–you know, like, academically–high schoolers. (NYTimes)
Really new media takes the lead on Tiger Woods: video game news! (NYTimes)
And New Jersey doesn’t care much for “Jersey Shore,” the new and totally unfair! MTV series. (NYT ArtsBeat)
@hey Bwog! Didn’t you say you were going to bring the tracking button back? How can I know if it’s a troll or if a lot of people actually don’t like this kid? huh?
Bring back the tracking button!!!
@how did pt. 2 define which kid you mean. i can’t speak for harry potter girl or mike, but i can promise you many MANY people dislike chris kulawik (shudder).
@Hans We’re working on it.
@anonymous the girl who is bitching about colleges advertising their “harry potter-ness” is whiny. She’s a published editorialist in the New York Times. stfu and goto harvard already
@true dat Writing a page in the Times, no matter how fluffy and irrelevant, is like the Golden Ticket to college, or to piss Ms. Columnist off: it’s like Hagrid coming to the Dursley’s miserable little seaside cottage to cart you off to Hogwarts. Good thing our students right about stuff that matters when the Times gives them a chance (looking at you Learned)
@Chris Kulawik Just looked up what he is doing now, how the hell was he elected as editor of the Harvard Law Review?
@Wait. “The” editor or “an” editor? I think it’s the latter.
@that's okay because some something tells me Michael Hannon wouldn’t be taking advantage of the policy anyway…..
@Anonymous Amen. There’s a reason Mike wants to be a priest. Judging by the fashion sense alone, the Hannon’s have a perfectly lovely daughter.
@Wannabe Heathen Now that Columbia’s intentions are out in the open, can the administration please be consistent in it’s “let them live in sin” policy, and get my roommate another room, so that I can, you know, live, in sin, with my fellow sinner(s).
@Alum '08 Finally, a Fox News appearance that Chris Kulawik made on gender-blind housing in Fall 2006 becomes relevant!
@how did chris ever get his work done if he was always memorizing his lines for FOX?
talk about impressive time management.
@News Flash! College students are already living in sin! We’re just trying to make it more comfortable for them!
The Evil Godless Heathens
@Wow that would suck to have your parents quoted in that article: “We would march our little Michael right out of that godless school if he participated in such an abomination!”
@actually Judging from his Facebook status, he agrees with her and isn’t too ticked off about it.
@... you don’t even need to read his facebook status. This kid also adores Ann Coulter, so I’m really not surprised he’s proud of his mom’s interview for the Post.
@Weird What a weird bit of sexism by that mother they interviewed for the Post article. “If it had been our daughter we would have turned around and walked right out.” But her son using a co-ed bathroom, that’s probably ok.
@Liz Bwog, are we going to get Butler camping pics? It’s become a tradition!