Protect yourself from the porcine menace! H1N1 shots will be offered on a first come, first served basis in Lerner’s Broadway room (up the ramp from the campus entrance) from 12-4pm. Health Services has 1200 of these bad boys, and they will give you one if you…
a) get there before the 1,201st person,
b) have your CUID,
b) fit into one of the risk categories. That includes everyone under 24 and over 65, and anyone in between with health risk factors or who is pregnant, caring for small children, or in the healthcare profession. The Health Services website has more details.
For more info on possible risks of the vaccine, mama always says consult Web MD.
UPDATE (12:46pm): There’s a bit of a line… photo after the jump.

Photo by JCD
@Got mine I showed up right after noon, and got my vaccination a shade under 3 hours later. I was somewhere around Guy Number 400, by the reckoning of the suited man nominally in charge, with whom I chatted while waiting. It was a well-run operation, overall. There were actually 600 doses available in Lerner/Broadway, the other 600 having been allocated for CUMC uptown.
I stuck around to study in the (upper) piano lounge, and saw the crowd vanish by 3:45pm. The guy in charge was trying to convince some woman lingering outside the door that she’d be welcome to get the shot immediately – no wait! – but she hesitated, citing some vague concern about the vaccine… as if she’d not had plenty of time to assess risk. Sheesh!
It looks like they ended the day with excess vaccine. Wow.
@youfail guess what? they still had shots at 3:30pm.
@Porky How does the line look now? Any shots left?
@Anonymous will there be any left by 3?
@line assessor the line is very long, and not moving quickly