Bwog’s blurry photo experts have spotted a jogger on the Dodge track who is believed to be none other than PrezBo in a fetching black, blue and yellow spandex ensemble.
@yes... except the fact that he was running around in dodge at 4:30 on a thursday afternoon suggests that he may have given himself a snow day after all.
Incidentally, he ran for over an hour. And, no, he left right after cooling down. He’s probably too modest to brush his locks in front of the common people.
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@Anonymous if that’s really him he appears to have gained a bit of pudge
not to fault him, it’s midwinter, can’t blame him
@prezbologist don’t worry. it’s just winter fat. he will shed it when spring comes.
@Anonymous winner
@Anonymous fake and gay.
@Anonymous who the fuck is that
@regular prezbo is a regular runner and runs in central park almost daily
@Anonymous he probably never gets mugged because he has some secret agent people in the bushes watching over him
@Not quite Except for when some crazy guy throws a rock at him
@Anonymouse Did use the locker room showers? Cause that’d be awkward.
@... Why?
@Robert Banter If Prezbo can make it to the gym then I think we can all make it to class on time despite the weather
@yes... except the fact that he was running around in dodge at 4:30 on a thursday afternoon suggests that he may have given himself a snow day after all.
@It was... more like noon. Presumably, he ran on his lunch break.
@Anonymous now that is a FUN RUN.
@Anonymous its him, i just saw him
@... You just saw him? He was in there at noon.
Incidentally, he ran for over an hour. And, no, he left right after cooling down. He’s probably too modest to brush his locks in front of the common people.