@ James Room, Barnard Hall
In honor of Black History Month and Islam Awareness Week, the Muslim
Students Association (MSA) and the Black Students Organization (BSO)
present the African American Muslim Experience. Featuring Columbia
University PhD candidate Zaheer Ali, and Sylviane Diouf, author of
“Servants of Allah: African Muslims Enslaved in the Americas,” Aisha
Al-Adawiya, of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, and
moderated by Professor Hishaam Aidi, the event will draw upon the rich
history of African American Muslims in Harlem as well as throughout
the United States, discuss the impressive accomplishments of African
American Muslims, and create a space for audience members to discuss
their personal experiences.
1 Comment
@Anonymous Yesterday’s program with Ammar Nakshwani was amazing and helped clear many doubts about shia religion. I really admired the speaker and his depth of knowledge with refrences and similar programs will greatly help the umma. Please Invite him back for future discussions.