Have you ever wanted to get into the mind of a Columbia ID checker, to see what it’s like behind that desk? A new blog, The Red Zone (http://showyourid.blogspot.com/), offers just that opportunity. It chronicles the tales of an Avery General Assistant, known to readers only as “GA,” since the author never mentions his/her name.
Of course, being in Avery makes everything so much better. Not only is it home to the ever-elusive “hot girl”, but our unnamed GA indeed confirms it to be the “sexiest place on campus.”
@Anonymous so the plan is grab one from avery, play in the butler stacks, and then the deal is sealed!
@oy i am scared of the libraries…i feel like people will judge me!
@Lolita die. I’m afraid I must banish you to unemployment.
@Lolita What if I’m a good-looking undergrad? Can I stay? :3
@well If that thing at the end of your sentence is supposed to be a flirtatious smiley face, and is indeed how you look when making one then, no. I’m afraid we must banish you to the butler stacks
@Fredo I <3 Mystery Avery GA Blogger (I think I know who you are too!)
Oh I miss working there.
@Arch student Damn it, undergrads! Stay out of our goddamned library!
@BDynomite Nah, dodge is totally the building to be at.
@colt 45 totally with you
@... she went to a nonsense party… bonus points.
@LoLipop oh steph
@holy shit this is best thing since wonderbread i used to work at avery as a GA…ugh. it was tedious and awful.
@ugly horny freshman ::heavy breathing:::
heh heh, hi ladiez, relax as i seduce you with dostoevski exegesis
@oh god stop doing this to avery. it’s small as it is. now all the ugly horny freshmen are going to go there.