[Sam Schube] alerts us that six sanitation trucks are lined up on Broadway and 113th–EXACTLY of like that scene in Die Hard with a Vengeance when $140 billion of gold is carted away in dump trucks. A word to the wise: keep an eye on your bricks, friends.
@wow holy shit, thank god other people here love this movie
@dumb christ these things were loud. kept me up all night. asshole garbage men.
@hat tip whoa spec got a redesign
@anonymous if spec plays their cards right, (i.e. properly using their 100 or so people that are producing content on a daily basis) then spectrum is going to legitimately PWN bwog
@... You can curse. It’s okay. We’re all adults here.
@nah man you don’t wanna f. with the K-tripleC – they’re exorcise your curse demons broski, keep it stright
[and money post bwog]
@* * straight
@Anonymous agreed
@Bwog, I love you This is the greatest thing on Bwog, ever.
@Nuriel Moghavem Sam Schube is the greatest thing on Bwog ever.
@i love schube
@just watched die hard - best. (head)line. ever.