NYU plans to move into Brooklyn and Governor’s island. One of its goals in expanding is to provide 240 square feet of space per student (currently 160, compared with Columbia’s 326) by 2031. (NYT)
Mujib Mashal, CC’11 has been capturing the lives of educators on video in war-ravaged Afghanistan, preventing the loss of their contribution to history.
Googlemania explodes around the country. (NYT)
Morningside Heights presents: Free Food Heaven! Pick up a free pastry at Starbucks (114th AND 111th and Broadway) and a free cone at Ben and Jerry’s (104th and Broadway).
@Anonymous “One of it’s goals”
@Anish I hope our grammatical error didn’t cause you to hurt yourself. It’s fixed now.
@Dear Bwog Thank you. As a fan of grammar myself, I still don’t feel the urge to constantly cry thunder and brimstone about apostrophes.
@... First time I’ve visited bwog on my iPhone and I have to say it is really well done. Good job on the it people at bwog.