We’ve been reading the comments, and counting the thumbs down. You’re stressed.  We understand. And we want to help.

Today, starting at 4 PM outside Butler, Bwog will inaugurate its Bitch Box.

The internet is a great place to complain, but bitching in real life is much more satisfying…especially when there’s free comfort food. Butler campers, leave your coveted cubicles to come sit, chat and bitch in Bwog’s impromptu office (read: blue inflatable couch on rug). We envision Bitch Box will be like NYT’s Complaint Box meets PostSecret meets Charlie Bartlett.

Come by, eat free food, lounge on the couch, or get creative at our crafts station. Just like teh Internetz, it’ll be anonymous and we won’t make your complaints into a Bwog post or a chart or anything. Stressbusters will also be there, giving massages and handing out stress balls. Basically, we want to know what you’re thinking, how the week is going, and to say thanks for reading this year. We’ll see you at 4- rain or shine!


Update: Thank you all for coming out, bitching, and de-stressing. Since Bitch Box was such a success, we’ll have Round 2 early next semester. Thanks for reading, we love you, and good luck on finals- oh and the Stressbusters are demi-gods. If you weren’t there, just look what you missed: