Hark! Snow approacheth! The first person to tip a picture of snow in Morningside gets their name mentioned on Bwog and eternal glory.

This snow is an impostor. Bwog snow detectives have determined the fishmonger at the greenmarket dumps his leftover fish ice here.
Below, a poem by Robert Frost:
The way a crow
Shook down on me
The dust of snow
From a hemlock tree
Has given my heart
A change of mood
And saved some part
Of a day I had rued.
@2011 Post the Varsity Show cast list.
@Eliza Dood we don’t have it yet.
@train of thought hey, i’ve seen that poem on the subway! http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_ZMdFwon2pfg/S1G-5Sb6FuI/AAAAAAAAJwo/bcDBZLjJfPc/s1600-h/Frost+Poem+SUbway.jpg
@Really? There was a “fishmonger” at GreenMarket? I suppose if the products he was peddling were local, then it must have been a new initiative at Financial Aid for paying tuition…
@Literalist http://edubuzz.org/blogs/stoneyhill/files/2010/12/Snow-Clad-Trees.jpg
First picture of snow… on google image search.
@Carolyn You clever kid, you! Now the post reads “snow in Morningside.” Of course you could just use a pic from last year, but that wouldn’t be in the spirit of Christmas. We’re looking for miracles here.
@Literalist http://images1.memegenerator.net/magnets/ImageMacro/2852423/fucking-magnets-how-do-they-work.jpg
You want miracles, you got miracles!