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@question forever alone
@oh bwog, setting up new precedents for triviality and shallowness. You care about the pandas, but not about the homeless people a few steps away.
@however homeless people are not cute.
@petey that makes me me a saaad panda :(
@Anonymous lonesome panda should become the new friend of sock monkey.
@well as long as you’re not a grown ass-man, I’m cool with it.
@Kramer I’m the assman!
@Basically. I am a grown-ass man and I want to help these little guys.
@Anonymous You sound hot.
@But... you can clearly see the baby panda providing excellent companionship. I think they’re content :D
@Anonymous Sexual harassment panda!
@one... is the loneliest number…
@Where is this?
@David This was taken on the corner of 114th and Broadway, next to the Presbyterian Church.
@The ever elusive... Of course you would know that, David. LOL