THERE ARE NO PRINTERS WORKING ANYWHERE! If you know where there is a functioning printer, put it in the comments and help out your printerless brethren.
UPDATE: Some printers are now working, according to Owl Printers. It’s not Armageddon, there are just more broken printers than usual.
Here’s the official word from CUIT:
At approximately 3:15 PM today (Sunday, December 12), we began receiving complaints about slowness on Morningside’s data network affecting various systems. Cubmail, SSOL, NINJa terminals, and CourseWorks are among the affected services. Technicians are currently working to resolve the issue. A follow-up service alert will be sent out when this has been resolved.
The alert was posted at 3:15…
@angrier than you! and the problem is that the other terminals are screwing up the printing instructions so for 20 minutes this \person\ is cluelessly screwing up her fellow students.
makes all my most non-progressive thoughts come to the fore!
@angry at butler why do some idiot students use the one terminal at the printing station in 209 to edit their papers while people are waiting?
@Anonymous Because there’s a typo in that sentence. Oh, and that sentence doesn’t have the right flow, better edit it. But that affects the footnote placement. Oh, and I need a completely new introduction paragraph. Oh, and I need to rewrite the whole second half. It’ll only take a minute or two.
@duh Is primal scream tonight?
@Nah It should be the Sunday before the last week of finals, so next week.
@Anonymous except that finals start on Thursday, so it should be Wednesday night.
@Anonymous No, Orgo Night and midnight breakfast are before the first night of finals. Primal Scream is the at midnight going into the Monday of the full finals week.
@Anish It’s on Sunday 12/19, but people tend to scream the day before the first day of finals, too. Don’t be like that.
@anon n00bs
@First names for $500 First names for $500, Alex. “This sophomore started the first online printing status website for Columbia University.” Hu is David? Correct.
@Does Anybody Know how I can get to Harmony? butt?
@bloop O how I’d love to go Office Space on those printers on the third floor of Butler.
@Anonymous They’re all back!
@Anonymous yo people hit up the VAG
@Anonymous i’m gonna be like the iron chef of pounding VAG
@what are you talking about? butler compute rlab, lerner, everywhere…