CCSC met. Brian Wagner reports:

"The Gold Line"
• Learned started the meeting with a “REALLY CRITICAL VOTE” on which movie should win the Oscar for Best Picture. The results: “Okay, there were 10 votes for Inception and 8 votes for Black Swan, so Black Swan wins!”
• Casino Night is this Friday. Bwog urges you to learn how to card count and cock your eye brow. Lerner Pub is this Thursday. The Council passed the amended resolution on the Joint Co-Sponsorship Committee.
• University Senator Alex Frouman gave an update on the ROTC debate. The Task Force on Military Engagement will make its formal presentation this Friday. They will present all of the information that they have gathered so far (via surveys, polls, hearing, etc) to the Senate. The Task Force has no decision-making power and is simply providing information to the Senate in order to inform the Senate’s decision.
• The council passed a resolution allowing students to host Glass House Rocks in the fall next year. GHR’s exact date is still TBA, but will definitely be some time next fall. Because the current date is close to the start of the spring semester, GHR finds it difficult to plan at the close of fall semester and panicked once spring semester begins. The proposed date is around Halloween, which begs for a haunted house theme. “Are you kidding me!? THRILLER!” yelled Sean Udell in support.
• Next, the council discussed making mulch on the Schpatio (the patio behind Shapiro) using a composting machine called “The Rocket.” Neither for cosmic exploration nor personal experimentation (as one student politician noted that the device’s name sounded “like a sex toy or something”), the machine runs on a mix of “green material” (vegetable scraps, tea bags, coffee grounds, etc.) and “brown material” (fibrous stuff like plates and napkins). Mulch generated by the rocket would be used by both Columbia Facilities and the NY Parks Department. The council worried about ease of use and the proposed location of the Rocket and decided not to vote.
• Many interested potential candidates (freshpeoples especially) have difficulty finding running-mates. The council discussed posting a list of students interested in running for student office to facilitate interaction. Some CCSC members wondered if this would aid anyone but first-years, and the meeting ended before members could vote on the issue.
What could almost be mistaken for a Brancusi sculpture via Wikimedia.
@bwag <3
@Anonymous Learned and Sean Udell agreed that the Oscars are the “Gay Super Bowl.”
I lol’d
@what? “decided not to vote”? Is this the class council equivalent of the pocket veto?
Come on CCSC! We wanna compost already!
@Lerner?Learned? Did Learned start the meeting or Lerner?
@Clearly It was LELO.
@overdone Yes, Learned, we get it–you are REALLY into the Oscars.