Just cause Valentine’s Day has passed doesn’t mean the lovin’ will stop. We’re running yet another batch of bachelors and bachelorettes! This time we give you Andrea Santana, BC ’13 and Isabella Serrani, BC ’13. Interested? Tell us at editors@bwog.com, and we’ll send you two lovebirds off with $10 for a date.
Name, Year, School, Major: Andrea Santana, 2013, BC, History Major and Spanish Minor
Preference: Lady for Gentleman
Hometown: Claremont, CA
Your dream date in seven words or less: Afternoon at the Griffith Observatory
What redeems you as a human being? Sometimes I clear-out the stacks of dishes left by the conveyor belt at Hewitt–always making sure to dispose of the inedible items, food waste, and utensils in their appropriate bins!
Choice aphrodisiac: Brownies
Most romantic spot in Morningside: Low steps at night
Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): Peacock
Historical Hottie: Sir Isaac Newton
Name, Year, School, Major: Isabella Serrani, 2013, BC, Art History/English
Preference: Woman seeking Man
Hometown: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Your dream date in seven words or less: When he pays…
What redeems you as a human being? My sharp wit and sparkling personality?
Choice aphrodisiac: Spaghetti
Most romantic spot in Morningside: Grant’s Tomb. Nothing sexier than dead people and ominous trees.
Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): A Fox as in “She’s a fox. In French she would be called “la renarde” and she would be hunted with only her cunning to protect her.”
Historical Hottie: Vincent Van Gogh
@Mhmm Is there a Serrani sisters package deal? Break me off a piece of that!
@WIN For the “Wayne’s World” reference alone.
If she were a president, she’d be Babe-raham Lincoln!
@Anonymous love them both!
@Anonymous Andrea is adorable. I’ll eat some brownies with her…
@Anonymous Twinsieeeeee
@Anonymous Given the libraryesque background in the pic on the right, Isabella seems a bit too much like the girl I’d get mad at for being unproductive/wasting space in Butler to want to have anything to do with her. ever.
@That is not butler.... so she isn’t a waste of space
@Anonymous “libraryesque”… just reminiscent of the type that would do something like that…not saying she was in butler at the time.
@Historical Hottie? Isaac Newton was known for never having any kind of romantic relationship and dying a virgin… good luck to whoever dates her.
@Anonymous Meh, so was Nietzsche. But you can just tell he would have been awesome in the sack. All that seething rage and psychotic intensity… excuse me while I fan myself. Maybe something similar holds for Newton.
@Re: Historical Hottie? That information factored into my final decision–my intention was to deflower him…
@Anonymous Andrea’s mad chill, she’s the shit
@Trolls will be Trolls Y’all are trolling hardcore. No need to post rude comments.
@twin...speaks out as the blonde’s twin I can assure you all…she is not as shallow as she sounds.
@Whaa? There are TWO of you?!
@Twins? Giggity.
@Anonymous Isabella, I’ll pay, as long as its covered with the 10$ from BWOG. (for both of us, of course)
@your advertisement is as dull as hers. at least she’s got the looks going for her
@hey isabella, if i pay, will you put out?
@Sir, Its called an investment. I pay for dinner, then she will open up her pocketbook to me for what goes down afterwards
@lol misogyny
@IZZIE!!!!! I LOVE YOU! (from one of your Brooks 3 ladies, of course)
@hmm.. …special brownies, Andrea? (I hope so.)
@Bwog, thanks for continuing to run personals. I hope this becomes a weekly occurrence.
@If only I were a guy... I’d take you, Andrea, to the Griffith observatory. Favorite place ever!
@Ain't saying Isabella's a gold digger but she ain’t messing with no…
@Carl W. ISABELLA IS AMAZING!!! She’s such a cool person!!! You all would be lucky to date a girl as cool as she is.
@Hey bwog we get it–barnard girls really want columbia guys, now can you give us CC girls?
@I don't see the problem. Nice girls are nice girls regardless of which school they come from.
@Anonymous Maybe Columbia should just go back to being single sex so we don’t have to deal with this Barnard-Columbia crap anymore.
@And also... The CC-Barnard female personal ratio is 1:2. And, what’s wrong with SEAS?
@Gosh, BWOG You make it seem like only young, Barnard women are looking for love. Us old, College and SEAS women want a little lovin’ too!
@Continuing Ed I would like a date who doesn’t mind spending an evening at home playing Scrabble with me and the grandkids.
@Anonymous Sounds like a dream date to me
@Continuing Ed Be still my beating heart…
…no really, I think my pacemaker just died.
@Anonymous i’m usually down for art chicks (grant’s tomb was a good answer) but her dream date? yikes.
@By the Hammer of Thor! Less than 7 words; the both of them. Basic literary comprehension: way to rise above from the competition.
@Next step: Switching from “less than seven words” to “fewer than seven words.” Can we handle this much progress??
@Hey Isabella Are you in 209 right now?