Just cause Valentine’s Day was yesterday doesn’t mean the lovin’ can’t stop. We’re running our last batch of bachelors and bachelorettes! This time we give you Samantha Greenberg, BC ’11 and Mikey Zhong, SEAS ’13. Interested? Tell us at editors@bwog.com, and we’ll send you two lovebirds off with $10 for a date.
- Mikey Zhong, SEAS ’13
- Samantha Greenberg, BC ’11
Name, Year, School, Major: Samantha Greenberg, 2011, BC, Political Science
Preference: Lady seeking fella
Hometown: Bethesda, Maryland
Your dream date in seven words or less: Food, drinks, laughing, mocking, hopefully some macking?
What redeems you as a human being? Never giving up on DC sports teams. I can cook. When my knee hurts I know it’s going to rain.
Choice aphrodisiac: oysters
Most romantic spot in Morningside: There’s one particular part of Morningside Park I’m fond of….
Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): Cheetah
Historical Hottie: Would be assassin Lewis Powell, though clearly he was a bad guy.
Name, Year, School, Major: Mikey Zhong, 2013, SEAS, Operations Research
Preference: Guy for girl
Hometown: Los Altos, CA
Your dream date in seven words or less: Space Needle, 11:11 p.m. No rain please.
What redeems you as a human being? I’m the Spectrum Editor and I play soccer.
Choice aphrodisiac: Milano chocolates. Feed me Bwog.
Most romantic spot in Morningside: Riverside Park
Sexiest animal (interpret as you will): Sam Roth (interpret as you will)
Historical Hottie: Natalie Portman. She’s amazingly talented.
@Anonymous Where is all this random Sam Roth love coming from?
@It ain't random. Just spend a night in his bed and you’ll be sure to understand.
@Trust me It isn’t random. Complete sex animal.
@Anonymous Mikey, you are one of my favorite people ever!
@SamRothFan Sam Roth is such a hottieeeeee!! Sexiest Animal Evahhh!
@Seattle! that pic is in the crucial swed spot
@sam roth's doppelganger Sam Roth love! Definitely the sexiest animal. Mikey, you are adorable.
@Samantha Greenberg is one crazy awesome lady.
@e4 e5 I LOVE MIKEY!!!
@Anonymous mikey is easily the nicest guy at columbia
@Vicarious Liver Hey Bwog,
Any chance of letting us know how any of the dates went? It could be a fun follow up!
@second that and what about past years? how have those personals turned out?
@lol Spectrum editor posting on Bwog. He’s cute though…
@yay yay mikey!
@Anonymous natalie portman isn’t a historical figure…
@sam roth Sam Roth is the sexiest animal known to man. You are correct, sir.
@Spec Love SPEC’CEST! Sam Roth is awesome…
@better snatch up mikey while you can!
@DC she does have a nice rack. also as a dc native, i applaud her for putting up with dc sports teams
@Anonymous GO WIZARDS!!!
@space needle anytime MIKEY IS SUCH A CUTIE PIE!!! I LOVE HIMMM!!!
@Anonymous mikey is cuuute
@Dayummmm Samantha got it goin on up top! Can a neutral observer confirm?
@Anonymous Preach, brother.