From the Core Scholars Committee at the Center for the Core Curriculum:

“…Columbia, if the core curriculum were your hell, I would slowly and tenderly slip my devil into it.”
The Core Scholars committee is proud to announce that the cash prize for this year’s Core Scholars will be $200!
A new addition to the Core Curriculum, the Core Scholars Program encourages any and all students who have take a Core Course to engage creatively with the works of the Core Curriculum. Almost all formats and styles of interpretation are welcome: film, music, theatre, dance, painting, drawing, photography, graphic novel, essay, poetry, or fiction. Students are encouraged to push the boundaries beyond what is normally required in a Core course.
In addition to a cash award of $200, Core Scholars will have their work published on the Core Curriculum website and will be invited to serve on the Core Scholars Committee.
The deadline for submissions has been extended to April 1st, and winners will be selected by a committee of students and announced in mid-April. For information or to submit, go to:
Image via Wikimedia Commons, caption from a Bwog commenter
@TA *Gets more money grading a pset*
@Anonymous as a poor college student, $200 seems like a lot of food. not, shit’s expensive around here.
@... so the core is what? ~16 classes? give or take some foreign language? that’s like 48-56 units on the lower bound (maybe half are 4 unit classes). so at $1300/unit, that’s like $72,800. so this means if you become a core scholar, you get a 0.27% discount. yay!
@Dear Christia Mercer This is silly. No one cares.
@Jesus C. I got 500 bucks in less than 30 minutes just by clicking on Bwogs cash advance link, I wish I knew about this thing before, how come my whole time here I never noticed a link on this site that just gives out money, I knew the Ivy League was cool and all, but I didn’t know they just gave away money like that, I’m going to fill this thing out over and over all day long and see how much money this link will give me before it won’t give me anymore for free!
@Anonymous 200 dollars is not worth the amount of time I spent analyzing Dante
@True The experience was priceless.