You're not the only one who woke up in a daze this morning; this penguin did too. Luckily, you're both invited to the College Days event!
Heartbroken because of the change in date? Still hungry from yesterday? Didn’t care it was 4/20 then and wish we would stop making stupid references to it in Bwog posts, while simultaneously seeking free food and/or entertainment?
If you answered yes to one or more of those questions, you’ll be happy to know that life does in fact go on. And so do the road-trip-themed College Days! Free stuff ensues. Today, head over to Portland today from 12 til’ 2 pm. And by Portland, we mean Van Am Quad.
The offerings include local organic food, student art and photo exhibits (including a photography project by the CU Photography society), paint throwing with Postcrypt (yeah, we have no idea, either…), live music, and free tee-shirts! If you’re trying for the tees, word is that they’ll arrive at 1 pm, so plan accordingly.
Enjoy the festivities, and don’t forget to drive safely*.
Dazed and confused penguin via Wikimedia Commons.
*Attempted road trip joke.
@Anonymous free t-shirts = CUID only.
sorry, barnard
@goddammit SHUT THE FUCK UP.
@what is 4/20? I dont get it.
@Let Me Google That For You http://lmgtfy.com/?q=4%2F20
@person “Didn’t care it was 4/20 then and wish we would stop making stupid references to it in Bwog posts, while simultaneously seeking free food and/or entertainment?”
@how long have you been here? In front of Hartley and Wallach
@Anonymous boooo I won’t be able to make it for any of this.
@Asshole I know I’m an asshole, but could there have been a worse days on campus theme than road-trip? It doesn’t even work. IT’S NEW YORK CITY and our campus is so tiny.
I’m just whiny because it’s the end of the semester. Sorry.
@Correction *days on campus-college days
so. tired.