Columbia College sophomores, think of the hours you’ve spent teasing out subtitles of Nietzsche’s will to power and Freud’s Oedipal complex. Now think about fried chicken. Yeah, we don’t really get the connection either, but, in a daring thematic maneuver, your class reps will be offering free KFC fried chicken, buiscuits and Mac ‘n’ Cheese, CC study guides, and a screening of Chicken Run this evening in the Lerner Ramp Lounge and Cinema. The food is out at 7:30 pm and the movie starts at 8 pm.
Smiling face of poultry hegemony via Wikimedia.
@Any chance of getting one of those shiny new study guides? Some of us stupidly went to optional classes instead.
@Anonymous is this only for sophomores?
@CC13 yes. everyone else can stay the fuck away until I get my two-piece and biscuit
@Anonym Ich bin der Geist von Friedrich Nietzsche, und ich bin nicht glücklich, dass mein Nachname falsch geschrieben wurde.
@Anonymous Word, bro, that is a brutal spelling.
@Anonymous Ich bin eine Studentin, und ich bin nicht glücklich, dass dein Nachname so schwer zu schreiben ist!
@Alex J. And we will give out some free t-shirts for those who stay for the movie!