A friendly reminder that you can register for fall classes for a week from today through June 24! Ideally, in mid-June not everyone is sitting at their computer desperately trying to get into Music Hum, so pounce on that place now. Are we having fun yet?
@Anonymous does anyone want to trade their MW 10:35 Music Hum for my TT 6:10?
@uh bwog I feel you missed a golden opportunity for some Kanye-related punnery here. but okay, I’ll listen to your Jay-Z video anyway
@Carolyn Of course we didn’t forget about Late Registration, but we’re already saving this for major declaration: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOGsQHl6Fa8
@are we having fun yet? I love to party down with tabs open to the directory, ssol, and culpa during my summer break.
@CULPA is still down.
@Why is CULPA down????
@CULPA When did you have trouble accessing the site? We were down briefly but have been back up for the last couple of hours.
@Anonymous still down for me ;(
@Anonymous It’s all CULPA’s fault.
@CC'13 YAAAAAAAY i got my sectionnnn
@CULPA So sorry—I totally forgot about the extra registration period. We’re back now.
@Anonymous Up for me…
@Anonymous noooooooooooooo why is culpa down???
@culpa y u always down at most important times
@Anonymous but but but…i graduated!