The triumphant shouts of eager RA’s echoed around the quad. The sun shined blissfully and the skies were clear. Today was move-in day made in heaven. Irene left hundreds of cancelled flights, blocked roads, and disrupted trips in her wake, so only some freshpeople made it to move-in. The NSOP committee expects the stragglers arrive over the next few days, with a few finally trickling in on Saturday. This made for much less mayhem than we have come to expect from move-in day. Check out some of the highlights:
- possess superhuman spirit
- But are they made of reusable bottles?
- giving tree doppleganger
- Area pride to confuse non-native freshpeople
- Favorite signage
- Awkward signage
- moving boxes
- Moving Spec
- Fancy gadgets for NSOP secret service
- Not as fancy gadget
- RAs on duty
- Welcoming committee
- Jewish Life Orientation aka JelLO distributed free slushie cups. we bestow the swag award.
- “the best check-in I’ve ever had” said one mom of the smooth move
- New translation! Shock! Horror! Cool cover though
- Not the most encouraging words for our young scientists
- maiden warrior
- You had to be there
- Barnard’s superior spread, complete with minced mangoes and plastic mugs
- John Jay’s inferior spread
- This is a women’s college
- circle time with free “pretzel rolls”
- Class of 2025
- Don’t worry we asked permission
@Anonymous I so wish this was real. Can we bake souffles for our final exam?
@whoops that was supposed to be a reply to the “Food Hum” poster
@Anonymous why do jews like to be separated? why go through their own orientation process? its bull
@Anonymous Will Hughes managed to make an RA shirt sexy.
@it makes sense…barnard needs better snacks…once the students show up and realize how much better columbia is they may want to switch before its too late
@Sorry you didn't get in But stupid Barnard jokes aren’t going to make you feel any better. (Smart Barnard jokes will make people laugh, though.) Sour grapes are pretty pathetic and who knows, maybe you’ll have a good time at NYU!
@seriously Barnard jokes make you look insecure. Just saying.
-CC Upperclassperson
@... i would kill for a jew sippy cup
@...? I read that first as “I would kill a jew for a sippy cup.”
@Anon wow, barnard is really good at spreading
@double down well that was a stretch…
@vagina there, i said it.
@CC 2012 I just looked at that “Welcoming Committee” picture–so warm and fuzzy and wonderful that I thought to myself, “Wow, I should really do that next year.” Then, “I’M A SENIOR THERE IS NOT NEXT YEAR! SHIT!!!!”
@Anonymous NO MORE HASHTAGS!!!!
@Anonymous Wow that \Welcome to Barnard\ sign with the squigglies is probably the best sign I have ever seen in my entire life. Only geniuses could have created such gold.
@Anonymous BWOG, you are my snarky goddess. Nectar some time together?
@barnard Barnard always has a superior spread…
@Waxima Perez On behalf of my fellow faculty in the Food Studies department, I would like to thank our colleagues at Barnard Dining for their superior spread today!
As was announced in the updated academic bulletins all New Students received today during Move-In, the Core Curriculum has undergone several changes that apply to the class of 2015 as well as to future later classes. The semester-long Masterpieces of Western Food will be required for all students of the class of 2015 as well as for future classes. The modification of the standard Literature Humanities curriculum is meant to make room for the extra 2 points that Food Hum will consume of the students’ schedules.
As a visiting professor, I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to the undergraduate community. My name is Waxima Perez, and I teach Viticulture and Enology at UC Davis. I invite any and all students to register for my classes which have not been posted on the online bulletin until today.
The three classes I am teaching this semester are the following:
1) Introduction to Viticulture and Enology
2) Umami: Secrets of the Forgotten Taste
3) Dairy Across Cultures: from Acidophilus to Rennett.
I will also be cooperating with other professors in the Food Studies department on the synchronization of Food Hum sections and on the development of weekly lecture content.
I’m so excited to be meet you all and hope this semester will be sweet.
Waxima Perez
@lulzy Y’all bakers toastin’ in a roll bread!
@tl;dr tl;dr
@Anonymous I feel unusually strongly about the superiority of the Fitz Iliad to the Lattimore translation we had to read back in our day. KNOW THIS FRESHPEOPLE, YOUR LIVES ARE JUST A TINY BIT EASIER!
@Spoiler alert: Iliad in couple of words!! Achilles (Brad Pitt) gets an arrow to his heel, he dies.
@Fitzgerald? Good, I was getting tired of mistakenly citing “Richard” Lattimore
@Anonymous LMAO. Barnard Caption is hilarious. Only because of the random dude. :)
@Fuck that Lattimore all the way. If I wanted to read children’s books, I’d read children’s books.
@CC '12 Because “good” literature has to be painful to read, amirite?
@Anonymous I don’t know why this comment hasn’t gotten more approval. Fitzgerald’s is gorgeous!
@LBB'12 Because despite our liberal facade most of us here hate change! Lattimore4Life!!!!!
@Partisan Fagles or GTFO.
@CC'11 Why am I not there? :-(
@cc'11 yea, sucks nsop is only for freshman.