To the lad that fellow ale-sipper-cum-tipster Amanda Gutterman spotted last night: That splitting pain in your head is actually from 1020’s massive front window that you plowed into.
Apparently he was just "jokingly smashing his head" into the window
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@SEAS '11 Anyone else think this guy looks exactly like Luke Wilson?
@Latecomer Did anyone notice “cum-tipster”?
@i don't read any previous posts either huh, ‘cum-tipster’?
@Anonymous wtf, ‘cum-tipster?’
@Anonymous calm down guys it’s just cum
@ale-sipper cum tipster?
@Anonymous “cum tipster” is the grossest concept
@Claire calm down guys it’s just latin
@Anonymous if i could thumbs-up this i totally would.
@Elements O' Style But still, the “cum” should not come after “sipper.” Sounds wrong, man.