The only man to hold a degree in enigmatology (study of puzzles) makes sure you have a new puzzle in the New York Times every day. (The Atlantic)
Joan Snitzer, a Barnard art prof, opened up a new art exhibition. It contains jigsaw boxes, and is itself is a puzzle. (Spectator)
The high school class of ’11 seem to have been more than usually puzzled by their SATs—the scores in all three categories fell, and reading and writing hit an all time low. Maybe they should go to school a little more often. (WSJ, NYT)
Obama has been more than a little puzzled about how to fix our floundering economy, and he’s starting to get a little pissed that no one will listen to him. (Reuters)
Puzzle: Where in Manhattan can you find room for 600 bicycle rental stations and 10,000 bikes? Answer: A new city-wide bikeshare, coming this summer. (NYT)
And maybe it’s a good thing that your mom plays Bejeweled all the time on her outdated flip phone. The gemstone puzzle game may be the reason she always remembers when you forget to call. (Popcap)
Good use of a rainy day from Wikimedia Commons
@wordplay fan WILL SCHORTZ <333
@oops my mind's still auf deutsch shortz*
@Anonymous it would be the class of 12, class of 11 is our current freshies
@Anonymous reading is good for you. wsj says “graduating class of 2011.”