A group of parents and Assemblywoman Nicole Malliotakis are upset that Go Ask Alice has been listed under the recommended resources in a new NYC sex-ed curriculum for fifth and sixth graders. Original, guys. (WashingtonPost, Gothamist)
On the other end of the modesty spectrum, a Brooklyn-based performance artist Marni Kotak performed her latest piece yesterday morning: giving birth to her son, Baby Ajax, in front of a live audience in a Bushwick gallery. (VillageVoice)
Johnny Depp graced our campus yesterday to sit on a panel honoring the late GS alum and intoxicated father of writing what they don’t want you to know, Hunter S. Thompson. (EntertainmentWeekly)
Perhaps what a loan-shark doesn’t want you to know, Obama announced that he will be instituting a measures to lower student debt in 2012, two years earlier than originally planned. (Reuters)
A group of geographers compiled information about Marijuana prices across the country, resulting in a graphic illustrating where to get the cheapest bud and the mystifying discovery that the price of weed is negatively correlated with the share of voters who identify as Republicans. (Atlantic)
Symbol of power via wikimedia.
@I missed Johnyy Depp!!! LYFE IS OVER!!!!!!!
@Learn Some Statistics, Bwog The price of weed is positively correlated to the share of republican voters.
@From the article... “Weed prices are negatively affected by two other variables: illegal drug use (-.5) and the share of voters who identify as Republicans (-.3).”
@Anonymous Your first link is a wapo link for the public birth, not the sex-ed stuff.
@Matthew Fixed, thanks.