Behold the last of our contestants competing for Pumpkin flavored ale! Rollover the photos to see their true identities, and click here to review all the contenders. Bwog will declare the winners of this heated competition and the Pumpkin Carving contest later tonight!
- James and the Giant Peach – the ladybug, the centipede, James, the peach, the glowworm, and the spider
- Pikachu
- “the RA on duty (a hit costume at parties)”
- Beyonce
- Shoulder Angel and Shoulder Devil at Butler on Saturday night reading City of God
- Frankenstein and his Bride
- Doug and Patty Mayo!
- Salt-N-Pepa
- The Fresh Prince and Carlton
- ZomBEE
- Nicki Minaj’s alter egos – Barbie, Martha, Roman, Nicki
@:\ Nicki alter-ego with the blue wig needs a closer shave.
@JAMES AND THE GIANT FUCKING PEACH. Holy god, y’all are stupid as hell if this doesn’t win.
@Anonymous BEYONCE HAAAAYYYYY! beyonce should win!
@Anonymous Emily FINEstein, I wanna peek-a-chou
@James and The Giant Peach, Fairly OddParents, and the Born this Way skeletons. They’re the most creative, they’re whimsically homemade, and they’re pure fun. They may not be politically clever as something like the 1%, but they scream good ol’ halloween cheer.
@Crazy in Love That Beyonce outfit is spot on.
Shit, now gonna be YouTubing Beyonce videos all night.
@Anonymous if you think the costume exemplified the beyonce, you should have seen her dance moves as well. really played the part perfectly.
@GILF I have that pajama… it’s really comfy.
@Anonymous the girl dressed as Beyonce is BEYOND FABULOUS !
@Anonymous I’m just gonna put my vote in for the Nicki Minaj alter egos.
@aw come on colette, don’t you know about the track button? cool group costume though!
@Colette haha oh i do know about the track button..though my goonish roommates don’t. we’re all on the same network but unfortunately, since i was the only one to attach my name to my comment, it looks like i’ve been a-spamming the bwog comments all on my lonesome (…not like i’m above that though..). FOILED AGAIN!
@interesting. Strange attempt at a likeness of the “Fresh Prince and Carleton,” given that of the two, the guy dressed as “Carleton” has more of the body type of the “Fresh Prince.” The same applies to their facial features– “Carleton” is just too good looking to be a Carleton, no less a “Fresh Prince” even. Especially given the suit, a much more suitable caption would be “Obama meets a Columbia College friend with a long rap sheet”– perhaps a snapshot from one of his political opponents’ dreams.
@oh Sorry. I misread the caption– reversed the roles. In that case, the resemblance works well. I still like the wackier idea for a caption, though. This is the kind of photograph that would make good material for a hack news website.
@Anonymous Actually, the guy in the suit IS Carlton and the dude in the sweater IS the Fresh Prince…you were correct the first time.
@interesting. Strange attempt at a likeness of the “Fresh Prince and Carleton,” given that of the two, the guy dressed as “Carleton” has more of the body type of the “Fresh Prince.” The same applies to their facial features– “Carleton” is just too good looking to be a Carleton, no less a “Fresh Prince” even.
Especially given the suit, a much more suitable caption would be “President Obama meets a rapper at a fundraiser,” or better yet, “Obama meets a Columbia College friend with a long rap sheet”– perhaps a snapshot from one of his political opponents’ dreams.
@GO DONIA –From Lee Bollinger
@Dat Tail
@Anonymous carlton is kinda hot
@RA on duty FTW! lololol
Because they threw together their costume last minute and isn’t that what Halloween is really all about? Getting blackout drunk and NOT spending four weeks on a super-elaborate group costume?
@yeah but while the angel devil girls spent four hours in line at ricky’s….the other “anti- halloween spirit” groups ones spent four hours with tape and trash bags and homemade love….THATS the spirit of halloween
@Anonymous james and the giant peach! what a great group costume! definitely creative and well executed. bringin it!
@That, good sir, is no Lucille Bluth.
You just want to drag. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, etc…
@That bottle of gin, however, is serious method acting. He probably mistook the “drowsy eye” alcohol warning for a “winking-eye” alcohol suggestion.
@Anonymous Lucille is blonde, maybe he’s dressing up as Lucille 2 instead.
@AHHHHEGOTMEAGAIN Lucille Bluth all the way!
@Anonymous lucille bluthe…. ILY!!!
@Anonymous the GILF is kind of terrifying
@alpha chi AXO REPRESENT!!!
@I take back my previous vote James and the Giant Peach ALL THE WAY! It’s so creative and looks awesome!
@Anonymous Definitely the best…but where’s the grasshopper?!
@Colette The worm and grasshopper (Kaitlyn Kaufman and Jessica Siegel respectively) are sadly not pictured :C
@BWOG for the love of all that is sugary and delicious, GIVE IT TO JAMES AND CO. i have three papers due this week and a fourteen hour bus ride on thursday. i need this expression of childhood joy, please.
@Anonymous that movie was so WTF. Why is there a rhino in the sky that eats parents? Why were his aunts so mean? Where did the magic man come from? What about the mechanical shark? As a kid I guess I forgot to ask these questions, but now I can’t. Thanks, well rounded Columbia Education.
Captcha: alcohol, lyticer
@Skeeter Are you guys seriously going to get the Doug AND Fairly Odd Parents theme songs stuck in my head in the same day?
Not cool, Bwog. Not cool.
@I'd tap then throw a pokeball.