If Live at Lerner is Lollapalooza, this is Coachella. In a miraculous coincidence of students coming together around genuinely cool, good music, “Ambassador of Boogie Funk” Dam-Funk is playing an in-studio session at WBAR right now. You can tune in via www.wbar.org (or stop by Sulz Basement, if you’re really enterprising) and jam out.
“My voice sounds like this because I’m hovering,” he says!
@Anonymous Sent from my iPad
@Anonymous hi nate
@Anonymous oh hi mark
@ponderous fan what happened to puppy cops? those dudes were the shit
@lol is this a puppy cop, i’ll still love you if it is
@Anonymous they were puppies but they were also cops
@Anonymous someone throw a match in there, wbar is horrid
@stop being such a Wboner!
@Anonymous Natalie Robehmed is dreamy.
@Anonymous RAWR I needed more warning about this – I missed it. DAM-FUNK HOT DAMN
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