Searching for a job in this economy can be a pretty bewildering experience, but, in some cases, employment can be just as perplexing.
Big, authoritative man in a suit: “…and that’s why you dont have sex with a convict you don’t know!”
Searching for a job in this economy can be a pretty bewildering experience, but, in some cases, employment can be just as perplexing.
Big, authoritative man in a suit: “…and that’s why you dont have sex with a convict you don’t know!”
@Oh, Gene, you're the best!!! Gene was far from the best.
@Buster I’m a monster!
@Uggh indignant Bwog, why must you share my still relatively obscure show with the masses? Do you want A. Development to follow the same path as The Office?
@Anonymous Relatively obscure? Welcome to 2003. Love people who feel hipster entitlement/superiority over “obscure” entertainment which is actually pretty commercial at this point…
@Anonymous and that’s why you don’t leave indignant bwog comments
@Michael S I’m so happy it’s coming back. I’ve been spontaneously chicken dancing every day.
@Anonymous Michael Scott?
@GOB Yea, the guy in the $6000 suit is gonna take crap from an Internet blog that doesn’t even make money. Come on!
@Maeby MARRY ME.
@Anonymous it feels good to be maebe
@Anonymous Blog is short for “web log”. You effectively just said “Internet web log”. I hope you’re happy.
@Anonymous You know, as opposed to those catalogs of spider webs.
@Bob Loblaw I, Bob Loblaw love bwog’s web log law blog