Bagels and cream cheese; Debate of real facts ensues; Overheard haiku

Lend us your ear as we eavesdrop on the heated debate casual conversation of two Nussbaum patrons re: multiplication tables and the the real definition of “precociousness” (it’s Bwog, and you know it).

Nussbaum Patron 1: I was very precocious. I remember that in third grade, I argued with my teacher about whether their definition of multiplication was correct.

Nussbaum Patron 2: You must have been wrong.

NP1: Yeah, but it was an interesting point.

NP2: That’s not precocious, that’s dumb.

NP1: I’m sure I was precocious about it. I still don’t know my multiplication tables by the way.


Opportunity to use “B.I.L.F.” scrollover text via Wikimedia Commons.