For high schoolers whose involvement with international affairs surpasses that of a game of Risk, Model UN is a glorious playground. Nevertheless, such a fulfilling extracurricular has its sacrifices—for example, remember how hard it was to balance the stress of being President of Pakistan with the stress of spending all week convincing your parents to let you go to that one kid’s Halloween party where there miiiiight be drinking? A quick reminder of those aforementioned woes, overheard from a gaggle high school Model UN kids on Broadway:
“So, are you guys popular at your schools, or…?”
@u guys are all losers
@Anonymous I banged France last night
@knope shut up, bulgaria.
@Anonymous motion to invade Djibouti with the aid of Greece
@Anonymous Loled heartily, I did.
@... i think model un is a delightful concept. to be able to practice infidelity in a position of power, and not have that infidelity involve at least one ugly middle aged diplomat, is a beautiful vision.