The ESC is rewarding those of you who decided to do something smart with your undergraduate degrees with a week of free food events, wholesome fun, and most importantly enough free t-shirts to fill your Wien double. Make sure to stop by one of the many events. There’s at least one every day in addition to some killer fun in the form of the game Assassin. Tonight’s event is with Engineers Without Borders tonight in Lerner C555 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm for some drinks and Dinosaur BBQ. Don’t miss it!
@i'm not a psychopath, but i’ve always thought that lerner would have been an amazing halo 2 multiplayer map.
@myth Corny! but one of my friends did think about using Lerner to play retro LIVE Donkey Kong
@Anonymous well, add a few extra intersecting ramps and you’ve got swordbase
@CC '15 Science major “Something smart with your undergraduate degrees”?
@You know... …science is not a major? Perhaps you mean social science or a natural science? If this is the case, then those are not majors either.
@Anonymous Sorry, is Chemistry a major that meets your standards?
@Anonymous can someone explain the slogan on the shirts?
“7 billion people dreams”
@Yes. 7 billion people
7 billion dreams
@it's the national engineering week theme for this year
@SEAS '13 Obviously you are unfamiliar with the unit of People Dreams.
1 Person Dream = 2.668 * 10^(-3) Joules
@Nate ESC Excellent video!
Also I will be serving as Assassins Commissioner, and there will be NO FOUL PLAY… O_o
@Solid Snake should’ve used nanomachines.
@Dear Commish Nate, Your biggest challenge in your fight against “foulplay” will be management. May this be a successful and watery year for assassins…if you are true to your word, Commissioner Nate.
Retired Assassin