Namely, that it has flooded the machine room.
So that’s the bad news: due to a flood in the basement machine room, all the building’s bathrooms are closed until further notice. In an email to a whole bunch of humanities departments, Lisa Seales, Columbia College’s Director of HR, also mentioned that the flood has also necessitated the shut down of Hamilton’s heat pumps. Bottom line, poop before you go to Lit Hum.
Dear All,
Due to a flood in the machine room on the lower level of Hamilton Hall, all restrooms in the building will be closed until further notice. In addition, I have been informed by facilities that building’s heat pumps have been shut off due to the flood.
You can use restrooms in Kent Hall, Lerner Hall, Hartley Hall or any surrounding campus buildings.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience at this time.
Thank You.
Lisa [Seales, Director of Human Resources, Columbia College]
@Great Now i have exit the building to take a piss during a 5 min. class break.
@Antoine Hide yo Myrtle Hide yo Colin Creevey
@Dodson ‘cus they petrifyin’ errybody out herr
@Nonfalsifiable My ex-girlfriend created that meme.
@Anonymous No heat and no bathrooms??? Shouldn’t classes in Hamilton cancelled?
@Anonymous It’s a balmy 35 degrees outside! Wimp.