While most people travel during Spring Break so that they may escape campus/Morningside Heights/NYC, it looks like a group of underclassmen beach goers decided to comfort themselves with a temporary monument to our rectilinear campus.
Send in your pictures/stories/videos/life-altering mistakes from break, so that those of us stuck on campus can relax vicariously. tips@bwog.com
Created by Davis Goodnight (CC ’15), Alex Jang (SEAS ’15), Marlen Rosas (CC ’14), and Karen Ramírez (CC ’15) at Ocean Isle Beach, NC.
@boom-de-ah-da This reminds me of this thread: http://bwog.com/2010/08/31/dear-bwog-heat-edition-2/#comment-207442
@Anonymous Do one for Barnard and then have Godzilla destroying it!
@this is amazing! well done, guys
@Anonymous i love everyone and everything
but seriously, why is the word ‘LUCIFER,’ the second word in my captcha?
@Twitch But seriously, the only question that matters: will they let us on the grass?
@Anonymous honestly this is fucking pathetic. these kids should be drinking heavily and forgetting about columbia; not remembering it by building sandcastles.
@Anonymous honestly this is fucking pathetic. this kid should be drinking heavily and forgetting about being an asshole; not remembering it by commenting on bwog.
@Where are the sand penises?
@this is AWESOME!!!!!!!
@Anonymous This is so awesome! Makes me actually miss Columbia during spring break. Way to show some semblance of school spirit!
@Jaded I am pleasantly surprised that there hasn’t been more hating on this.
@Anonymous probably because people who check Bwog during Spring Break also have separation anxiety
@Anonymous Wow…jealous, much?
@Anonymous Nobody is here, but me and my thesis.
@Anonymous fucking losers…two days off from school and they cant function
@Why, yes: this work is clearly the efforts of non-functional individuals.
@Robin Sparkles sandcastles in the saaaand….
@Anonymous can see butler from my house
@Anonymous Is the small black stone Alma Mater?
@That Guy That’s racist!
@now that’s awesome!
@Anonymous epic
@Anon This is too cute! Great job guys! :)
@Anonymous hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha