Tonight is a big night for television, at least for those with HBO. Several alums have created a video recapping season 1 of Game of Thrones to of the classic “Say My Name.” They then tipped it to Bwog. Nice to know some things, even in the real world, never change. Season 1 spoilers abound.
Video Cred to Tom Keenan, CC ’07, feat. Alex Whitney, CC ’09 & Stephanie Quan, CC ’08
@Twitch (In what world do employed members of society have the amount of time to think up, direct and produce this? It’s good. Too good. Multiple takes good.)
@Twitch Creative, talented, entertaining and unemployed? English and Anthro majors, enjoy this but beware.
@Anonymous They guy with the pecks is smokin’ hot!
@Anonymous found it: 15
for your edification,
@Anonymous what channel is HBO in the dorms?
@Anonymous found it: 15.
and for your edification…
@HBO is Channel 15
@nwbar Is this the proper place for my Tyrion/Jon Snow slashfic?
@Anonymous yes. please. yes please. yes.
@I cannot express the degree to which this is awesome! So ready for the premiere.
@2.25 LOL.
@Anonymous but too true…
@dilemma of the forever: mad men or game of thrones premiere?!?!?
@dilemma of the forever: do i watch mad men tonight or game of thrones premiere….
@Anonymous nice