We know you’re missing Philip Kitcher this year, so here’s a little taste of him to tide you over ’til the fall. (New York Times)
New York public phone booths are getting a lot more high tech… but we can’t help but thinking of all. The. Hand contact. On those touch screens. Think subway poles times a million. (ABC News)
Andrew Cuomo and medical marijuana: surprising progress, but slow steps nonetheless. (NY Mag)
The Staten Island dump caught on fire yesterday. There are just too many “Staten Island is a shithole” jokes to chose from this early in the morning. (Gothamist)
In case you missed it, Facebook bought Instagram for $1 billion. Zomg. (NY Times)
P.S: Registration is this week! We dug up that handy-dandy course schedule builder for you to frantically re-juggle your American Modernism classes into something resembling order. You’re welcome.
A slightly atypical surprise via Wikimedia Commons