Sarah Ngu, Bwog’s CCSC correspondent, partnered with Tyler Benedict, Poet Laureate of the Marching Band, to interview Karishma Habbu, President of 212, and Alex Jasiulek, President of the Block Party. Make sure to cast your vote before elections end, this Thursday.
The Parties:
Three Council members:
Karishma Habbu – former VP of Communications and student services representative
Daphne Chen – funding committee, CC’14 Council
Jared Odessky – Peer Advising, CC’15 President
Two non-Council members:
Will Hughes – Residential Advising, CUPAL (Columbia University Performing Arts League), GHAP (Gay Health Advocacy Project)
Yanyi Luo – CQA, Live at Lerner, Puppy Coalition
Block Party:
Council member:
Alex Jasiulek — CC’13 class council
Four non-Council members:
Peyton Bell – Pike & Rugby team
Lauren Barriere – Delta Gamma
Janice Yoon – APAHM (Asian Pacific American Heritage Month), Raw Elementz,
Jean Pierre Salendres – CIRCA (Columbia International Relations Council and Association), Event Salsa
1) Track record: What are the highlights?
Block Party
- Led efforts to revise Global Core, launched alcohol re-use policy for groups, assisted with exam schedules and posting exam grades. VP of Policy has had no policy experience but cites his experience of working on policies at the Mexican consulate.
- Revamped financial aid service, helped coordinate Student Wellness Project, assisted Puppy Coalition, spearheaded peer advising initiative, led workshops for Resident Advisors on counseling skills, updating resource stickers that are on every door.
2) Outside the bubble: Best idea(s) for engaging the student body?
- Online collaborative platform where students can post issues/complaints, up/down vote, and “follow” topics such as “continually broken printer in X” or “global core.”
Block Party:
- Free weekly lunches with executive-board and ensuring each council event is co-sponsored by a club (i.e. Block Party).
3) Wellness: What are they gonna do about it?
Block Party:
- Engage student groups, especially Greek Life, and foster collaboration among them
- CCSCcares campaigns (wellness initiatives)
- Host more frequent events where people can bump into each other, stop and chat (breakfast bagels in Hamilton lobby)
- Act more as an enabler of wellness initiatives rather than compete with other clubs
- Institutionalize policies to move midterms and ask for extensions
4) College vs University: How are they going to advocate for the College?
- Advocate for student representation in Facilities’ renovation of lounges, EPPC (faculty committee that makes education policy decisions like Frontiers of Science), Dean selection, post-Manhattanville space allocation, CUIT, Public Safety.
Block Party:
- Advocate for student representation in post-Manhattanville space allocation and more transparency in dean selection process. Sidenote: Believes EPPC is “minutiae.”
5) Student Groups
Block Party:
- Taking Back Lerner, giving more room for student groups and less for admin
- Grants for student groups who co-sponsor events with others
- Representation of SGB/ABC at F@CU process
- Expand the club-resources rental system; reusable dishware program
- Expanding vendor list, online e-forms, student project grants
- Representation of SGB/ABC at F@CU decision-making process
@just one more That’s a rather unfortunate look for Karishma bahahahhahaha
-Columbia’s Bitch, Bitch
@liar liar pants on fire Spotted: Sarah Ngu taking a pic of Block’s poster (to submit a complaint). Too bad they weren’t breaking any rules. Mind your own business little girl. Unbiased reporter? I think not!
@Anonymous Mm actually they were violating a rule not to flyer in designated areas — this was their third time.
@calling sarah ngu a little girl wow, you have no idea who you’re dealing with.
@Anonymous that’s cute, they didn’t violate any rules, ask Norita Mengu, the one who decides, and she’ll say they didn’t. It’s sad that people have to resort to trying to submit some stupid rules violation that isn’t even valid.
@To student "leaders": The few people who think they run the school need to get off their high horse and stop being so exclusive! Student Council is for everyone and Block brings something different to the campus. This is not saying anything against 212 this is saying something against the culture of student government and student “leaders”.
I was buying into the whole idea on the issues of mental health on campus but this is the exact thing that causes depression and mental health issues. “How We’re Doing” (, I was proud of that article. I was proud that students at Columbia understood there was a problem but now I know that it is all out of an act of selfishness. I know that there are rules that need to be followed and that in the end this is politics but I saw Sarah Ngu herself take a picture of a Block Party banner and I know that it must have been to put in a complaint. “SARAH, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! You are not running and if you were so worried about rules then be a part of the elections board next year.”
I was a supporter of 212 and thankfully I haven’t voted yet but after I saw this happen in Lerner my vote has to go to Block Party. 212, it is not your fault but the culture at Columbia has to change. This is not good for anyone’s mental health or well being.
@Anonymous 20% is a hell of a lot of people.
@Plus, the percent is rising.
@Jesus Christ Just when I thought the Junior Bureaucrat Contests had filled me to capacity with murderous rage, I read these fucking comments. Do people have nothing better to do than write treatises on Bwog?
– CC ’12
@Anonymous Greek life is 20% or so on campus. I don’t give a fuck about it, and they can do what they want but it should not be the third point on initiatives. Sorry, but be president at UPenn if you want to put that much emphasize on the greek community. Thus, 212 seems to represent the Columbia community better.
@the actual question how many of them are actually in cc?
@Anonymous It’s up on their FB about section:
Vote for Block Party – Everyone’s Invited!
We want to be your CCSC Executive Board! Check out the following summary of our platform:
A. More funding for collaborative efforts among multiple clubs
We would work to implement a new initiative that allows student groups to apply for funding grants directly from the Executive Board when they collaborate with other student groups. Through an application process, groups would be able to apply for grants between $1,500-$3,000 to support their programming. This way, we would promote both a livelier, richer campus culture and create more crosscutting events that reach a greater variety of students.
B. Joint programming with CCSC
We want to continue to expand funding for independent projects by student groups and individuals. We will expand this by making sure CCSC has a more active role in promoting and planning the co-sponsored student events through the Campus Life committee. We will be best suited to address the need of various student groups because we will recruit student leaders to sit on the Campus Life and Policy Committees. We are particularly interested in ensuring a sustainability liaison has a spot on council.
C. The interests of the Greek community
As Greek life expands across Columbia’s campus, we will make sure that all three Greek councils – IFC, MGC, and Panhellenic – are able to maximize their reach in a positive way. For example, next year, Panhellenic Council will be bringing a new Panhellenic sorority to campus and CCSC will fully support the needs of the Greek community during this process. For all three Greek councils, communication between Greek life and the rest of the campus community is key.
This one is self-explanatory! We want to make sure we’re creating events that appeal to everyone – and who doesn’t love hanging out with music, sun, food, and friends in the middle of springtime in New York! Think Glass House Rocks but on Broadway!
A. Further wellness initiatives:
These wellness initiatives will include everything from mental health awareness to physical fitness programs. In an environment that stresses the importance of hard work, it is necessary for students to find a balance between their own personal wellness and their desire to succeed at Columbia and in the community. Two of the projects we would like to take on include increasing student access to a nutritionist along with creating a program that educates students about drug, alcohol, and caffeine abuse in its many forms.
B. More printers, bike access/storage, and everyday conveniences:
There really is no excuse for printers that consistently malfunction and limited space for bike storage. We would push to use the $100,000 surplus that CCSC has accumulated to invest in programs that would benefit students as a whole. One idea would be purchasing bicycles for Columbia students to rent.
C. Foster community among all undergraduate colleges:
Although we will always have the interests of Columbia College at heart, the key to community in CC extends far beyond the college itself. There is a need for cohesion among the four undergraduate colleges and change begins with productive environment for discussion. One way to ensure different perspectives are heard is to hold an open forum that allows students to express their needs as a community and tell CCSC their suggestions for creating more cohesion among the colleges. We plan to make this a top priority in our communications initiatives!
D. Free weekly lunches with CCSC:
This will be another one of our communications initiatives that relates to student wellness. A constant conversation with the student body is essential to keeping the goals of CCSC consistent with the needs and desires of the student body. Plus, who doesn’t want free lunch and a productive conversation? We will start with three meals per week with the Executive Board, and if the program is successful in the fall semester, we will continue it throughout the year.
A. Advocate for undergraduate space on Morningside Campus:
While the Morningside Campus expansion will not be completed by the end of our term in CCSC (if elected), we need to address this issue from its very beginning. By working with the administration at such an early point in the process, we will be able to demonstrate that the student body fully expects that the administration will use the new campus to help mitigate space issues for student groups. Essentially, we want to get the ball rolling for future generations of CCSC. We fully support initiatives such as the Take Back Lerner Campaign and the push for a multicultural group center for students on campus.
B. Diversify Career Services’ opportunities and resources:
As a diverse student body, we have every right to fully expect diverse opportunities upon graduation along with an array of resources to help us realize our potentials. With this in mind, we would work with Career Services to create a more varied selection of resources and possibilities for the student body. In particular, we would like to have more international internships available through Career Services. We would also work with Ivy Council to create an inter-Ivy career network.
C. Forge partnership with incoming Dean
When new deans arrive at Columbia College, new relationships must be forged between CCSC and the incoming Dean. In order to ensure that CCSC has the best relationship with the administration, we need to immediately begin partnering with the incoming Dean to both help the Dean transition smoothly and allow CCSC to adapt to the change in administration in a beneficial way. This transition can include anything from a barbecue with the Dean where he is able to interact with students in an informal setting, to formal meetings where various student leaders are invited to participate. This will allow us to work collaboratively with the administration to implement all of the initiatives aimed at improving student life.
@Anonymous Who’s endorsed who?
@Anonymous The 212
Application Development Initiative
Beta Theta Pi
College Democrats
Columbia Daily Spectator
Columbia Japan Society
Columbia University Bach Society
Columbia University College Republicans
Columbia University Performing Arts League (CUPAL)
CU Debate
CU Players
Everyone Allied Against Homophobia
King Crown Shakespeare Troupe’
LateNite Theater
Lion Dance
The Journal of Global Health (JGH)
Youth for Debate
Block Party
CU Bellydance
CU Glee Club
Delta Gamma
Delta Sigma Phi
Notes and Keys
Pi Kappa Alpha
Raw Elementz
Taiwanese American Students Association
@Anonymous I remember the good ol days when my boy Mario Rosser beat Jasiulek to win the presidency
@Anonymous that was pretty awesome
@Anonymous runs for president, wins, immediately takes semester off
might i say
*puts sunglasses on*
“BOLD” move?
@3o 212 is also really pretty, just saying.
Like, when Yanyi walks by a plot of grass, flowers start blooming.
And when Will Hughes smiles, all the clouds go away and the sun turns into a cartoon with sunglasses and a lemonade. So like a combo of a sun and Kool Aid Man.
@Anonymous 212 has a cool song. Winners.
@Anonymous I’m in love with Yanyi. No big deal, really.
@The most pressing issue The kerning all over this election has been driving me insane. 212, please put consistent spacing between your letters. #NOTOUCHING
@jbm2139 I really hope that “Representation of SGB/ABC” is short-hand for all governing boards. Club Sports, Greek Life, and Community Impact have just as much at stake in the F@CU process.
@Kj Alex is more composed, clear, and concise. I will vote for him.
@Re: Kj Wow. It’s not sexist at all to dismiss the woman as annoying and flustered, while praising the man as assertive and capable, in spite of the fact that there is very little difference in their self-presentation. I thought Habbu and Jasiulek were, at different times, each composed and nervously excited.
@Ha Actually i agree with KJ. Please do not label any statement sexist, if you cannot comprehend it. And ya just a firendly advice – stop spending so much time with those insecure Baranrd folks.
@ccgirl OMG stop calling everything sexist! its not because karishma is a female, it’s because she seemed spastic and excited in the video. jeez im so sick of this uber-feminist (meaning anti-male) crap
@Anonymous Dear dumbass,
Where in his OR HER (ever think of that?) argument is it even slightly hinted at that the OP decided to vote for one candidate over another because of gender.
Stop turning everything into a gender war. Because honestly women, if there is any gender that is oppressed, it is certainly males. Yet, you do not see us complaining.
On female privilege:
As a woman …
1. I have a much lower chance of being murdered than a man.
2. I have a much lower chance of being driven to successfully commit suicide than a man.
3. I have a lower chance of being a victim of a violent assault than a man.
4. I have probably been taught that it is acceptable to cry.
5. I will probably live longer than the average man.
6. Most people in society probably will not see my overall worthiness as a person being exclusively tied to how high up in the hierarchy I rise.
7. I have a much better chance of being considered to be a worthy mate for someone, even if I’m unemployed with little money, than a man.
8. I am given much greater latitude to form close, intimate friendships than a man is.
9. My chance of suffering a work-related injury or illness is significantly lower than a man’s.
10. My chance of being killed on the job is a tiny fraction of a man’s.
11. If I shy away from fights, it is unlikely that this will damage my standing in my peer group or call into question my worthiness as a sex partner.
12. I am not generally expected to be capable of violence. If I lack this capacity, this will generally not be seen as a damning personal deficiency.
13. If I was born in North America since WWII, I can be almost certain that my genitals were not mutilated soon after birth, without anesthesia.
14. If I attempt to hug a friend in joy, it’s much less likely that my friend will wonder about my sexuality or pull away in unease.
15. If I seek a hug in solace from a close friend, I’ll have much less concern about how my friend will interpret the gesture or whether my worthiness as a member of my gender will be called into question.
16. I generally am not compelled by the rules of my sex to wear emotional armor in interactions with most people.
17. I am frequently the emotional center of my family.
18. I am allowed to wear clothes that signify ‘vulnerability’, ‘playful openness’, and ’softness’.
19. I am allowed to BE vulnerable, playful, and soft without calling my worthiness as a human being into question.
20. If I interact with other people’s children — particularly people I don’t know very well — I do not have to worry much about the interaction being misinterpreted.
21. If I have trouble accommodating to some aspects of gender demands, I have a much greater chance than a man does of having a sympathetic audience to discuss the unreasonableness of the demand, and a much lower chance that this failure to accommodate will be seen as signifying my fundamental inadequacy as a member of my gender.
22. I am less likely to be shamed for being sexually inactive than a man.
23. From my late teens through menopause, for most levels of sexual attractiveness, it is easier for me to find a sex partner at my attractiveness level than it is for a man.
24. My role in my child’s life is generally seen as more important than the child’s father’s role.
@Anonymous Both women and men can be sexist—I never claimed otherwise.
Female privilege exists, but male privilege is significantly more prevalent, powerful, and more embedded in our cultural psyche.
@Anonymous so its sexist to call a woman flustered, even if she is acting flustered? i dont understand you people
@Kj Karishma habu is annoying and looks flustered. She should learn to manage herslef first then decicde on leading the council. There is a word called “COMPOSURE”.
@Bahaha “We Report, You Vote For Your Friend.” Too true.
@Anonymous guys calm down. I’m on Karishma’s floor – posted the videos for support. didn’t mean for it to backfire. Not self-promotion, floor promotion!
@Video Poster Err yes, clarification
@Anonymous Another lie? Why is it that your IP is now different from those that posted the videos?
@Anonymous Uhhh, no. IP addresses do not work that way. Bwog’s comments track by the client’s IP address, which is unique, even if you’re on the same floor. For those of you about to say “Columbia gives out dynamically assigned IP adresses” – they were posted three minutes apart. There is no way that these two different people had the same IP address assigned to them within a span of three minutes.
I’m sorry – but just fess up to self-promotion.
@Anonymous As a student in the Computer Networks class (who got a 95 on the midterm :) ), I can say it is totally possible that within three minutes the DHCP protocol could have reassigned an IP address.
@Anonymous You obviously have no idea how the Columbia network is set up. IP addresses are NOT unique to individual devices, ESPECIALLY within a network like Columbia.They could have easily connected via the same local network (how often to you share a friends wifi) or have been reassigned the same IP.
and GASP. If you close your connection and reopen another say, RESTART your computer (or connect to open network vs secure) you are automatically resigned another IP.
While unlucky, COMPLETELY in the realm of possibilities. Give the girl the benefit of the doubt.
Just kidding, trolls always hate anonymously.
@Anonymous type ‘sudo ipconfig set en1 DHCP’ into terminal and you just changed ur DHCP assigned IP.
there you go, dumbass.
then type ‘rm -rf *’ in your terminal, too. dont really. it will permanently delete all your files. lol
@Anonymous Bashing your campaign opponents – how original!
On moral principle, I never vote for the party that clearly goes out of its way to belittle its competitors because it means they’re probably some overly-competitve douche whose prolly just doin it for the resume.
After seeing these 212 fools shamelessly self-promote, I’m voting block party (even though I could honestly care less) because of the 4 chan “samefag” principle. (Urban Dictionary it if u dont know what it means)
@Anonymous The 212 is silly, and significantly more experienced than the Block Party.
Ah, Block Party is so shameful sometimes.
@Anonymous Tyler Benedict and I are getting married, he just doesn’t know it yet.
@Anonymous I’m also marrying Tyler! I hope he’s up for bigamy.
@tyler my favorite
@also “it makes me want to vomit” …
@The 212 Whoa – thanks for the mad support on the vids anonymous!
@Anonymous Are you kidding me? You know there is an option to track who posts what right? This is shameless self-promotion and dishonesty/
@Anonymous After using the track button on this, I am so much less impressed.
Really guys? Lame.
@Anonymous Bahahahah track button knows all!
@212 Groupie Reality Check: Track System is flawed.
It tracks your external IP address (which is not unique). So if you were both on the same network, (say logged in to the same Starbucks network :D), you would have the same external IP address, and the BWOG track system would register it as the same person.
@Anonymous There was a crown posted next to both names so they’re both posted on campus. For them to be different people, they would need to be on the same private network – say from someone’s router, which means they’re probably at least friends. Or you know, it could be the same person.
@Anonymous Or you know, dating.
@Anonymous at columbia?
@Anonymous or roommates. happened to me all the time freshman year.
@... or someone is trolling hard
@Wow Thank god the orgo night guy was there, otherwise these interviews would be ten times more boring than they already are…
@Anonymous WHAT UP, CUMB
@Anonymous Wow! I am extremely surprised at how biased everyone who is reporting to the student body about the elections is. I understand the importance of experience and but why do you only take note of Block’s VP of Policy’s lack of policy experience but not the fact that 212’s VP Policy has no experience as well? You make two jabs directed at the parties and both in the direction of Block Party, one being lack of policy experience and the other about them believing that EEPC is “minutiae”. If I am not mistaken you are getting that from the debate last night and not from your own interview. I understand that a writer on the rise must grab at anything they have and not only what is given to them but don’t you have a responsibility to allow the general student body make an unbiased opinion about who they wish to represent them? I understand this is Bwog but doesn’t your integrity as a writer still stand no matter who you writer for? I was at the debate, I’ve spoke to both parties, and I know various members of both parties and 212 is far from pristine.
@Sarah Ngu Hello,
To clarify, by policy I meant more generally experience changing campus institutions and processes, not formal policy committee experience. Will Hughes, VP Policy of 212, has experience working with administrators like Dean Kromm and CPS’ director to improve Residential Life (resource stickers) and CPS. If Jean has policy experience that wasn’t mentioned, please let me know. Skn2111 is my UNI.
On a larger note, as a reporter, I am here to report the truth and call out when things are falsely presented. The most glaring falsehood from that debate was to deem the EPPC as too minutiae to deal with when it’s the most important faculty body. Please do not think that superficial bipartisanship is equivalent to truthful reporting. If you are aware of other false statements made by either party, let me know. You have my email address.
@Anonymous Great Job Sarah
@Anonymous The few people who think they run the school need to get off their high horse and stop being so exclusive! Student Council is for everyone and Block brings something different to the campus. This is not saying anything against 212 this is saying something against the culture of student government and student “leaders”.
I was buying into the whole idea on the issues of mental health on campus but this is the exact thing that causes depression and mental health issues. “How We’re Doing” (, I was proud of that article. I was proud that students at Columbia understood there was a problem but now I know that it is all out of an act of selfishness. I know that there are rules that need to be followed and that in the end this is politics but I saw Sarah Ngu herself take a picture of a Block Party banner and I know that it must have been to put in a complaint. “SARAH, MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS! You are not running and if you were so worried about rules then be a part of the elections board next year.”
I was a supporter of 212 and thankfully I haven’t voted yet but after I saw this happen in Lerner my vote has to go to Block Party. 212, it is not your fault but the culture at Columbia has to change. This is not good for anyone’s mental health or well being.
@oh man check that crown watermark on the opening titles…
@Anonymous who the fuck disliked this comment. that watermark is the best goddamn thing on the face of the earf
@Anonymous I second this! the watermark is great
@Anonymous wow dumbass, learn to use the track button
@I just really... don’t like Alex Jasiulek.
@cc 13 i’ve never really payed attention to campus politics before, but i’ve gone to events thrown by both parties this year and it really seems like block party has no idea what they’re doing. yikes.
@Anonymous You must really not be paying attention! What event did 212 pull out of their asses? They gave away marshmallows. Is this worthy of being an “event”. Does handing out junk food suffice as campus life events? Oh, cc13 you just saved Columbia $80,000+ on student life and group event planning! Yay you.
@cc 13 nice try, but i wasn’t talking about just the events themselves…i mean party platforms, candidate knowledge…you know, the important things. also, i was at the block party for the entire event (which was pretty sparsly attended overall) and not one of the candidates spoke to me. at the 212 thing, i was greeted by both will and karishma, who both seemed friendly and knowledgeable.
overall, the block party candidates besides alex don’t seem to know anything about council, and alex jasiulek hasn’t done shit during his terms in council. 212 stirkes me as incredibly well informed and seem to really, really care about the health and wellbeing of our student body.
@Anonymous You’re a fucking moron if you’re judging them based on their campaign events, as opposed to their experiences, achievements, and platforms. Block Party consists of Alex Jasiulek, who may understand issues about the Core and a few other things, but hasn’t accomplished much on CCSC (granted, not much has been accomplished at all over the past 2 years on CCSC). The rest of BP are a bunch of unqualified randos, with perhaps the exception of Janice.
212 is a group with fairly balanced experience and accomplishments (even their freshman VP Communications, Jared, has successfully launched a peer advising system at CSA). Karishma forced Student Affairs to undertake a comprehensive review of financial aid services, and Yanyi is both involved in ADI (one of the most useful groups on-campus) and is a baller at planning amazing events (an essential for VP Campus Life).
I think the choice here is pretty obvious.
@Anonymous Bashing your campaign opponents – how original!
On moral principle, I never vote for the party that clearly goes out of its way to belittle its competitors because it means they’re probably some overly-competitve douche whose prolly just doin it for the resume.
After seeing these 212 fools shamelessly self-promote, I’m voting block party (even though I could honestly care less) because of the 4 chan “samefag” principle.
@Anonymous Great job covering CCSC and not ESC…
@Anonymous nice try, 212 party.
@Read the platforms. 212:
They both have lofty and admirable goals. However, I think 212 is the only party that backs up these goals with a specific (and seemingly tangible!) set of initiatives. Their vision is substantially more clear and well-formed than that of Block Party, and it is for that reason—not for any reasons of “experience”—that I am voting for 212.
@read the right platform page!
@Vote 212 Block Party has a vision for collaboration, no doubt, but 212 is the only one that backs up similarly lofty goals with specific initiatives. See: Block Party’s own platform is comparatively sparse and vague:
If you read actually the platforms, the obvious choice is 212—not because of experience, but because of the clarity of their vision and plan for achieving larger goals.
@you should PLAY SLAYER!!!