In continuation of Random Acts of Kindness Week, cuppycakes will be distributed by Student Affairs on the Lerner ramps from 11-3 this afternoon. Meanwhile, also on the ramps, take some time to write your friends a thank you note for putting up with your incessant complaining about how you missed Community but now you miss Parks & Rec. No word yet on what type of cupcakes they will be; go forth and discover!
The best friends a Wookiee can have via Wikimedia Commons
@in awe incredible amount of sweets! never in my four years at columbia have i seen a study break that lastest beyond 30 min…good job student affairs office!
@SWP member Thanks to all who came! There are still cookies left! SO GO GO GO and don’t forget to write a thank you card :)
@Nomnomnom The carrot cupcakes are HUGE (and tasty). So big…can’t finish…
@Anonymous Carrot Cupcakes and…. WALMART COOKIES! (the best cookies ever!)
@Anonymous Bwoglies
@Anonymous Where are the cupcakes, yo?!?
@SWP Sorry bout that – just got word from Student Affairs that treats should be arriving by noon!