Last night, Bwog might have been mentally preparing for 420 by letting off some steam at 1020, where we might have played some darts. Our game might have evolved into a screaming rivalry, and we might have gone Hulk mode after losing. There’s no way to know for sure—all we have to go by is this cellphone photo we awoke to. At least we didn’t maybe poke somebody’s eye out…
@Anonymous literally what is the point of this?
@Anonymous the point is that the dartboard is gone
@Anonymous Bwog, this isn’t Facebook. No one cares what you did last night.
@a douche okay, seriously, fuck other bars. my friends are at 1020. i dont give a shit about margs or 1001 overpriced beers. give me some $3/$2 beer and my buddies.
@Anonymous is that a troll? i mean seriously though.