work hard play hard

Plato sends his love

So it’s finals times and you say you won’t be drinking?  Yeah, we totally believe you.  Just in case you want to—you know—live vicariously through our brilliant prose, we bequeath unto you Drinking with Bwog: Finals Edition.  Read responsibly!

There’s nothing like a good group study session to prepare for LitHum and CC.  Get your minds and notes together and go over each of the texts before the exams tomorrow (!).  Seriously, this is a real study tip.  But when it starts getting a little dull, why not try out these study party spaces:

Butler Group Study Rooms
This is an obvious one.  Finding an empty one is harder than finding Rue in a tree (too soon?) so if you see one, take it and never look back.  Invite your friends over and keep the door securely closed.  Cover the window to keep out onlookers and open a bottle of $12 wine to see what the Symposium was really about.

Joe After Hours
Joe—that 15-story coffee shop in NoCo—may close far too early, but the tables are still there.  Snatch one, look out over the beautiful expanse of the Broadway and 120th intersection, and analyze texts with your loved one.  You may want to use a to-go coffee cup.

Lerner Ramp Rooms
Lerner is staying up with us late into the night, so take advantage of it.  The ramp rooms are spacious with comfy chairs–though beware of a lack of outlets.  That said, who needs computers when you’ve got Marx, Hegel, and a flask of whiskey?

Some of the most coveted rooms are in Hamilton, with good reason.  Loads of desk space, chalk boards, room for everyone.  You’ll even feel like you’re in the core class you’re studying for.  The windows are opaque, but people will be popping in to see if the room’s vacant, so be sure to leave a kind “ROOM’S TAKEN, ASSHOLE” note on the door.  Up your game by heading to the 6th floor rooms facing John Jay.  From there, you can open the window for tiny weird balcony access.  It’s the perfect place for tequila-induced primal screams.

Roof of Mudd
With some of the most sprawling, striking views of campus available, this is the perfect place for contemplating philosophies–if you can find your way up.  Bring a plastic Nikolai, climbing leads to clanging.

Everyone knows the best way to really learn is to discuss ideologies with a drunk 20-something intellectual.  Get a booth, get a round of $3 Yuenglings, and wait for a grad student to walk by.

Ancient drunks via Wikimedia Commons