Filed under things that make your $162 summer gym membership worth it:
Person at the gym: “I’M PERFECT! I’M A COLUMBIA STUDENT!
*Punches something*
Opportunity to use a sports term that we had to Google via Wikimedia Commons
Filed under things that make your $162 summer gym membership worth it:
Person at the gym: “I’M PERFECT! I’M A COLUMBIA STUDENT!
*Punches something*
Opportunity to use a sports term that we had to Google via Wikimedia Commons
@Anonymous Bwog, do you even lift?
@Doesn't know and hasn't tried... Wait, you have to pay to use the gym during the summer even if you’re student?
@Anonymous You have to pay to use the gym, period.
@Anonymous fees included in normal charges during school year. additional fee in summer
@Anonymous lawlz sounds like someones a little sore about a bad breakup
@Whateva Bwog’s just jealous!!