College walk has been taken over by Israeli and Palestinian supporters.
The Israeli group is standing on the Butler side, wielding Israeli flags and signs.
The Palestinian side is standing in front of Low, holding up flags, signs, and yelling names of civilian casualties.
Both groups are standing their ground and handing out flyers. The commotion has caught the attention of many tourists who are standing between the groups and taking pictures.
- Israeli supporters stand on their side of the line.
- Palestine’s protesters occupy Low
@Anonymous Joe @Anonymous: SHUT IT KYK
@check this out. Furthermore, the man they assassinated, Jabari,
“The second factor that undercuts the self-defence rationale is that Jabari was involved in negotiating an Egyptian-brokered comprehensive, long-term cease-fire with Israel when he was assassinated. In a November 17 New York Times op-ed, Israeli academic Gershon Baskin (who was a mediator in these negotiations) declared that Jabari had been given a near-final version of the agreement hours before he was killed. Had he not been killed, Jabari would have been responsible for enforcing the agreement to stop rockets fired by various Palestinian groups from Gaza into Israel.”
@Anonymous Which is why Iran had him assassinated.
@check this out in reply to anonymous,
It was Israel, you douche.
@check this out. Israeli minister vows Palestinian ‘holocaust’
well, at least he’s not lying.
@Anonymous Surely my Bwog comment will resolve this conflict!
@Anonymous Joe Jews in Israel are not “native.” Remember the exile stpd KYK? That “Diaspora” y’all are always b17ching about? It seems no group throughout human history has ever really been welcoming to the Jews… first was enslavement by the Egyptians (although that’s just another phat jew lie that led to their ethnocentric bs they spew today), then when they fled to Europe no one there liked ’em, then the Holocaust and now this stuff. When will Jews learn to stop being so disagreeable? It seems as though everyone in history has made compromises except them – being persecuted does not count as a compromise; it counts as being stubborn. So you see Shylock, the Jews in Israel (the majority of them) are really EUROPEANS (and disgustingly inbred ones at that!). Oh, what a surprise that must be… Europeans displacing native people once again.
@as if So sad that 50% of Israeli kids suffer from PTSd, yet 100% of Gaza kids probably suffer from PTSD or worse, but how would we know because there are no mental professionals in Gaza to give them diagnoses or mental health care or water or food or protect them when their parents die. 50 % of Israeli kids suffer from PTSD? Ask me if I give a shit?
In case you are wondering, the answer is no.
@cold maybe you should care about both populations? also its ridiculous to say there are no mental professionals in Gaza…they may be underfunded, but that wouldn’t be true if Hamas didn’t hoard all the humanitarian aid it gets.
@CC13 My school pride has fallen more than half every time when I saw arguments like this going on on campus. Last time was Columbia students attacking Barnard students when Obama decided to be the commencement speaker for Barnard in the past May. We are all taking classes on the same campus, we had the chances to be friends and had the chances to show those dirty politicians from Israel, Palestine, from democratic and republicans that we are better than them. However, students fall into politicians’ traps every single time, replicated exactly the same hate and then bought to campus. It’s insane to see this happening every single year.
@No. Conflating personal attacks on an individual group of people/creating very immediate threats of violence for said group and student activism (whether it’s deemed “radical” or otherwise) is dangerous.
@Anonymous Jerusalem was Jewish, Nagorno was Armenian, Kosovo was Serbian and Byzanteum was Greek long before Muhammad was born!
@swt as if this is a first come first served game. counter example: USA and pretty much all of europe
@The light hand helper We at the speѩsuѩks ѩommunity value the opinion of all people who are ѩonsѩious of ѩampus environment and want to foster a safe environment,. ѩome help end the tyranny of the speѩ and its devil minions at speѩsuѩks.wordpress.ѩom and may we slay the beast before it ruins another lost soul just trying to confort himself with a bottle of pee.
@Anonymous What do you call a state that:
– Has different citizenship laws and grants differing privileges to citizens based on their religion.
– Can’t do basic math. 130+ people does not equal 3.
– Claims to not be killing civilians (although clearly some people didn’t get the propaganda memo and actually express openly that they want to wipe Palestinians off the globe) yet, despite holding one of the most technologically advanced and well-funded armies in the world has managed to ‘inadvertently’ killed 75%+ civilians, women and children
– Continues to pursue illegal settlements (classified by the UN, international community including US) and building JEW-ONLY roads, neighborhoods, shopping centers, buildings, etc.
– Claims to be a democracy yet explicitly defines itself as a Jewish state, giving express privileges to those who happen to be Jewish as opposed to the people who actually have been living on the land for the past 1000 years.
Sounds very kin to apartheid to me. Not to mention that Israel advocated for free elections in Gaza…they got them. Regardless of whether we may disagree with Hamas and the actions it pursues (certainly, as a gay male, I definitely do) they are a legitimately elected government. Whether they are actually representing the true interests of their citizens is another question in and of itself.
And although not a member of SJP, its quite clear to me that any claims of LionPAC to reach out to SJP are patently absurd. LionPAC has no interest in actual dialog. “Reaching out” to SJP merely constitutes a theatrical attempt to paint the Israeli narrative as one of peace when any sort of dialogue with an apartheid and genocide affirming organization would signify concession from SJP.
@you should join SJP seem to be living in the same warped reality they do….literally the only point on your list that is true is the settlement one.
@Anonymous @you should join SJP: Please tell me, which of these things are untrue. I can provide sources for all of them.
@Anon Ok. May I please see your sources for (1) Differing privileges to citizens based on their religion (I am not arguing against “different citizenship laws” because I am not denying that it is easier for a Jewish foreigner to become a citizen than a non-Jewish one– we can discuss support for or opposition to that part of Israeli policy when you have stopped spewing lies about other Israeli policies) (2) Israelis have continually made astounding per capita contributions to global technology– I doubt that would have been possible without being able to do basic math. Can you cite me an Israeli source that states that Israel suffered the same number of casualties as Gaza did during the past week? I have not seen any such claims. (3) Can you also cite me a source where an Israeli official states that Israel has not killed any civilians? Israel tries to limit the number of civilian casualties as much as possible, but I haven’t heard any Israelis claiming that no civilians have died. (4) Can you show me where these “Jew only” roads, shopping centers, etc. that you are speaking of are? (5) Can you explain why a country founded on Jewish values and providing national days off from school and work on Jewish holidays (rather than Christian ones, as the US does, or Muslim ones, as many countries do) is mutually exclusive with a governmental system in which citizens elect their lawmakers? Can you also detail those special privileges you’re talking about one more time? (6) Can you find me a source that proves that Jews have not been living on the land for many more than 1000 years? (7) I could argue with you about whether Hamas was fairly and democratically elected, but neither of us would be able to prove our position on that beyond reasonable doubt, so I’ll leave it at that.
@Anonymous @Anon:
@Anonymous @you should join SJP: Notice how you don’t address the fact that LionPAC is blatantly aware that its attempts to “reach out” are a farce. Sure, if someone came into my home and took it over (or that of my ancestors, et al) I would jumping with excitement to meet with them and discuss the possibility of peace (i.e., they stay on the property they stole and hope that we ‘peacefully’ let them do it)
@Anonymouse Just remember you don’t see video’s like this coming out of Israel..
@CC '14 You are right, Israel has been very smart in building bomb shelters, sirens, and the Iron Dome defense system to protect their citizens.
It is also wonderful that you don’t see these kinds of videos coming out of Israel either:
@Chen Xiaodan lol whocurrs
@CC13 @Chen Xiaodan: Fuck You!! Cold hearted retard!!
@Tangential how about the sexy pharmacist in the yarmulke at Duane Reade… amirite?
@Anonymous Go Jets!
@PLEASE STOP PLEASE STOP using Hamas killing palestinians or using them as “human shields” as an excuse to justify the massacre that the israeli govt is committing in gaza. This is no excuse to murder children or any innocent civilian
@Anonymous correct. but this is also true of the Israeli children who are being killed or inflicted with PTSD (50 percent of the population) due to rockets from Gaza, as well as all those Israelis (Jewish, Arab, and so on) who would be killed if not for Iron Dome
@Anonymous @Anonymous: Yes, PTSD from the THREE casualties that have happened so far. Two MEN and one [grown] WOMAN. No children…
@ummm no PTSD from the alarms and rockets falling on their schools and houses every day for the past 6+ years….ie the reason for Israel’s current opperation in the first place…
@Less Rhetoric, More dialogue Shouting slogans like “Israel is a terrorist state” or “Hamas hates us more than they love their children”, both patently false as any objective observer would be quick to note, does nothing to further the cause of peace in the region. There are clear misunderstandings between the closed minded supporters of both sides which have become the most likely to voice their opinions. There is a silent majority whose voices are being drowned by a radical few carrying flags and hand-waving. They are the ones who think occupation and blockade are wrong but so is the firing of missiles at civilian towns. They are the ones who think air strikes against civilian buildings are wrong but so is setting up military bases at civilian sites. They are the ones who need to speak louder to end the illegal occupation of Palestine and end the terrorist attacks on Israeli villages.
@Larry David This reminds me of something.
@anon why conflate different things as one big monolithic issue? it’s quite insensitive and intellectually flabby
@anon considering the bricks on college walk, we should call it the “Gaza Trip” am I right guys?
@Anonymous Here’s a solution:
@Israeli, NOT Zionist The “Israeli supporters” are NOT Israeli, the are American, and only have a connection to Israel because they say they do. Also, they “stand” while the Palestinian supporters “occupy”? Way to be objective.
As an Israeli, whose grandparents fled Poland in WWII and whose mother served in the IDF, it is EMBARRASSING for me to to see these horrible zionists who think they represent the people of Israel.
Zionism is Racism and Apartheid.
Judaism is not Zionism.
Israeli is not Zionist.
@GS '13 Shministi much?
@Anonymous Seems more like a free-thinking Jew who didn’t suckered into being a dupe for the IDF. I’m guessing you’re former IDF now in GS. Why don’t you re-enlist? Better yet, join the American military. At least then it’ll be your blood for “your” land. Happy trolling!
@Anonymous And I assume the SJP protesters are Palestinian, then?
@At a bakery in Jerusalem... a sign read, “peace in the middle yeast!”
@Benjamin Netanyahu Here is a simple truth: If our enemies lay down their arms, there will be no more war. But if Israel lays down its arms, there will be no more Israel. For the crux of the conflict is their desire to destroy us.
@Apartheid Did he say this before or after his interior minister noted that Israel is for the white man?
@Anonymous #1 you just used a distraction technique. Yishai’s comment is irrelevent to that of Netanyahu except that they are in the same government (does the US right of existence hinge on Bush’s words). #2 you took the quote out of context, as per usual for anyone who would name themselves “apartheid”
@CC '13 Well before 1948 Israel never existed! I’m sorry but if someone came to my home claiming 55% of it because some fictional book he read says it’s his, proceeded to take more than 55% of it and evicted me; I would make damn sure he ceases to exist!
@and what if you were squatting?
@Anonymous It is irrelevant that prior to any particular date Israel was not a country. The United States was not a country before 1783. Whether you want Israel to exist as a country or not, it does – just the same as Franc or Italy or America does.
@Anonymous Constantine the Great recognized Gemalliel IV as the Patriach of Israel.
@Golda Meir We can forgive the Arabs for killing our children. We cannot forgive them for forcing us to kill their children. We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us.
@Anonymous is that a joke? I actually can’t tell…
@CC 14 That is the most insufferable thing I’ve ever heard.
@PLEASE STOP Please stop using Hamas killing their people or using them as using them as human shields as an excuse to justify the massacre taking place in Gaza right now. This does not give Israel the green light to ethnically cleanse the gazans
@exfoliating clense correct. but this is also true of the Israeli children who are being killed or inflicted with PTSD (50 percent of the population) due to rockets from Gaza, as well as all those Israelis (Jewish, Arab, and so on) who would be killed if not for Iron Dome. While we’re at it, can you PLEASE STOP using ethnic cleansing to mask a conflict between two countries? those hamas rockets are targeting Arabs too. and the casualties from Israel’s operation would include Jews if their existence would be tolerated in the first place
@Anonymous Sharansky and Netanyahu are the best friends the Palestinian children have. They know that if they get sewers, water, schools and hospitals, the conflict will end. That is why the Putin-Ahmadinejad-Assad axis wants to make sure they destroy thei rown homes and always live in shanties ready to blow themselves up just to keep up the price of oil. Now Columbia invented fracking to separate uranium and gasify coal in WW2, but Putin coaxed affected useful idiots in Columbia magazine to denounce it.
@Ronald Reagan Israel exists; it has a right to exist in peace behind secure and defensible borders; and it has a right to demand of its neighbors that they recognize those facts.
@Anonymous So does Palestine.
@Anonymous Above all, we must realize that no arsenal or no weapon in the arsenals of the world is so formidable as the will and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries in today’s world do not have. It is a weapon that we as Americans do have. Let that be understood by those who practice terrorism and prey upon their neighbors.
@Anonymous The Israeli and Arab grandmothers are ready for peace. Remember how in Ireland the old grannies started beating the paramilitaries with their handbags until they stopped? Jews got along better with Muslims than Christians for over a millenium, just ask Benjamni of Tudelo
@Anonymous Palestine is not a state. Look at a map and you will not see any country labeled Palestine, because it does not exist as such an entity. The territory claimed/ruled/occupied by the Palestinian Authority is not recognized as a country by the UN. Palestinians do have a right to live in peace.
@Anonymous Then why are they building settlements on other people’s land, then wondering why people are mad at them?
@Anonymous Other’s people’s land? The Arabs invaded from the desert on horseback in the seventh century. Jews were there long before them. EVen Constantine recognized Patriarch Gemaliel IV (please tell this to Hellen Thomas).
@Anonymous That Isreal exists is a fact, but to presuppose that it, as a state established by outside forces, has a right to greater than or equal to that of any Palestinian state is exactly the problem.
@lol actually every clause of your comment is incorrect. Israel was created and declared by its people. It was, along with Palestine, proposed as a modern state by the UN but the latter did not set itself up. Israel’s right to exist is certainly equal to any Palestinian state and one could argue moreso just by virtue of the fact that it already does exist. There’s no overarching power that grants states a right to existence.
@Anonymous You do realize that this presupposes that the UN had the authority to partition/create any state there and that the land did not belong to its native people?
@lol nope, it presupposes that the Israeli state and the Palestinian state came from the same plan. The southern Levant was an underpopulated backwater until the late 19th century, when both Arabs and Jews started moving there in large numbers. If Palestinians want any respect for their attachment to the land, they’ll have to recognize that Jews have one too, as the latter already have for them. When we’re forgetting in this whole thing is that Hamas, like SJP is a radical and inconsequential faction. The Palestinian Authority in the West Bank has come closer and closer to a paradigm of compromise.
@The Ban Captain If only I could ban everyone involved in the conflict but my admin privilege hasn’t been checked that high yet
@What about Israeli-Palestinian conflict muffins?
@Anonymous I’m pretty sure that they could be both halal AND kosher.
@At Cunningham Muffins we know that muffins make the best breakfast.
@Jenna Maroney As long as they are whole grain and low-fat.
@Anonymous Where’s Edward Said when we need him?
@Peter Pazzaglini's CC section dead.
@Anonymous But his teacher’s pet is in the White House
@Anonymous No, Bam Bam was Brzezinski’s pet! That’s the guy who brought Zia to Pakistan, Khomeni to Iran and Osama to Afghanistan, remember? That’s why Shamir was heroic in opposing Zbig’s revival of Pacelli.
@Anonymous Great example of how we have lots of diversity yet too little willingness to dialogue. Shame on both groups for replicating exactly what we see in the Middle East right now.
@Anonymous Yeah, the piles of dead babies and the constant shelling is REALLY distracting.
@Anonymous FOR WHOM – you’re in America, act like it. I’m not distracted by shells on my way to class , I’m distracted by annoying ignorant students shouting “2 4 6 8 Israel is what we hate”
@LOLZISTAN U mad, bro?
@dude LionPac deeply desires to have dialogue with SJP and constatntly sends them invitations for debates, panels, and discussions. SJP as a policy refuses to talk to any pro-Israel group unfortunately.
@Anonymous Exactly. Why don’t they set up a lecture or conference where both sides could speak.
@anon @Anonymous: the reason is very simple. SJP is against “normalization” which means they refuse to engage in any civilized dialogue with other elements on campus.
@freshman? Students for “Justice” in Palestine (whose aim revolves more around demonizing Israel than supporting Palestine) refuses to talk to anyone who does not agree with them. The Pro-Israel camp has repeatedly called for dialogue to the extent of annoying.
@GS 13 @Anonymous: I went to class at 2:30pm and saw a Palestinian guy fiercely arguing with three other Israelis; When I finish my class at 4pm and walked across the college walk, I saw the same Palestinian guy arguing with another four or five Israelis, again, fiercely. So, I was like, this Palestinian guy is indeed a hot head with passion. This guy should clam the fuck down.
@Anonymous This whole Robert/Michael and Kristine thing is totally out of control. When will the pee bottles start flying?
@Anonymous And with one terrible headline, Bwog manages to offend both sides of the deepest conflict in modern times without taking a side. Nice.
@Anonymouse Its a stupid conflict it deserves to be made fun of
@Anonymous FYI for all the haterz, it originally said “college walk is now a war zone.”
@Wake up! It is quite despairing to see that at a university where political activism and indignation have always held a central position, the student body today has become numb and apathetic. This is reflected in Bwog’s headlines: “Commotion on College Walk” and “College Walk is now a war zone” – since when have demonstrating and expressing a plurality of voices become an abnormality? We are the youth, the vigor, the intellects of this world, we should be constantly keeping our politicians on their edge, challenging the status quo, standing up for humanity and the oppressed.
@Anonymous Why are all the other countries in the world normal except for the mid east. Too many uncompromizing hot heads.
@CC '13 um, did you forget about WWI and WWII
@Anonymous – Mom! Palestine hit me!
– Don’t hit your brother, Palestine.
– Ow Mom, Israel kicked me with shoes on!
– Honey no kicking! Shoes hurt!
– MOMMM Palestine said that I never should have been born.
– Well, you shouldn’t have!
– Well, I’m here now you buttface deal with it.
– Jesus christ give me strength why did I have kids.
@CC 14 Where were they for the past 18 months when Syrians were murdering their own, or when the Taliban was killing girls for going to school, or the Saudis for girls going out without a male member of the family, or in Egypt when they were killing girls in “honor killings” or genitally mutilating them. Not to mention the mass murder of Coptic Christians. Then of course it would be to much to ask where were they when the Itamar family was butchered by knife including a few month old baby.
@anonymous none of those are hip.
@Oh, come on People do not have to be equally invested in every foreign affairs issue. This conflict has been going on for decades, is highly polarizing, and is a huge story now. Don’t judge someone for expressing opinions related to their choice issues just because they don’t line up with your choice issues.
@Anonymous Because New Yorkers do not care until Israel is involved.
@Anonymous New Yorkers loved to go to Israeli kibutzes until Israelis got gumption and elected conservatives. Then New Yorkers disdained Israel.
@Come on Poor choice of words for the headline
@Anonymous What’s the point of protesting Israel or Palestine on campus? Shouldn’t they go to UN?
@Punny but Questionable “Now A Warzone”?
@Anonymous Just like the Montejews and the Capulets.
@The Dark Hand I tried walking through and was quickly removed by a security guard. we at specsucks will not stand for this oppression and the suppression of our freedom of speech, and constitutional right to peacably assemble. it is an outrage!
@CC '13 this is a private institution — you have no rights